Veranstaltungen Detail

EMBA Women in Leadership Panel


Discuss leadership opportunities for women with our Kellogg-WHU alumnae.

Join our live panel to gain insights about how the Kellogg-WHU EMBA can help you developing your leadership skills. Our alumnae share their personal experiences about how they became successful in their jobs and what challenges they faced as female executives.

What to expect – your agenda for the live panel:

Our graduates will introduce themselves and guide you through their leadership journey. Afterwards you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and to network with our alumnae.

Join us online to learn more about:
  • What motivates female executives to pursue an Executive MBA.
  • ow the Kellogg-WHU EMBA can help you to overcome stereotypes and determine your career trajectory.
  • Personal experiences of balancing work, family and the Kellogg-WHU EMBA program.
Register now




Teilnehmende WiWi Partner

  • WHU
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