Juniorprof. Dr. Sven Heidenreich

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität des Saarlandes
Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
Ort / PLZ
66041 Saarbrücken
Postfach 15 11 50
+49 (0) 681 / 302 – 71480

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • EBS



Veröffentlichungen in referierten Zeitschriften:

Heidenreich, S., Wittkowski, K., Handrich, M., & Falk, T. (forthcoming): The dark side of customer co-creation: Exploring the consequences of failed co-created services, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: A)

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (forthcoming): What about passive innovation resistance? Investigating adoption-related behaviour from a resistance perspective, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: A)

Petschnig, M., Heidenreich, S. & Spieth, P. (forthcoming): Innovative Alternatives Take Action - Investigating Determinants of Alternative Fuel Vehicle Adoption, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Abstein, A., Heidenreich, S. & Spieth, P.(forthcoming): Innovative Work Behavior – The Impact of comprehensive HR System Perceptions and the Role of Work-Life Conflict, Industry & Innovation. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Heidenreich, S., Landsperger, J. & Spieth, P. (forthcoming): Are Innovation Networks in Need of a Conductor? Examining the Contribution of Network Managers in low and high Complexity Settings, Long Range Planning. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Talke, K. & Heidenreich, S.(forthcoming): How to Overcome Pro-Change Bias - Integrating passive and active Innovation Resistance into Innovation-Decision Models, Journal of Product Innovation Management. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: A)

Müller, A., Wald, A. & Heidenreich, S. (forthcoming): The effects of transactional and transformational Leadership on Followers’ Commitment in temporary Organizations, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: C)

Heidenreich, S. & Spieth, P. (2013): Why Innovations Fail - The Case of passive and active Innovation Resistance, International Journal of Innovation Management, 17 (5), 1-42. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Handrich, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2013): The Willingness of a Customer to co-create innovative, technology-based Services: Conceptualization and Measurement, International Journal of Innovation Management, 17 (4), p. 1-36. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Landsperger, J., Spieth, P. & Heidenreich, S. (2012): How Network Managers contribute to Innovation Network Performance, International Journal of Innovation Management, 16(6), S. 9-21. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Heidenreich, S. & Talke, K. (2012): Tarifwahl-Anomalien bei optionalen Mobilfunktarifen – Eine Analyse der Ursachen von Flatrate-Präferenz und Flatrate-Bias, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 64 (Mai), S. 147-173. (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: B)

Monographien / Beiträge in Sammelwerken:

Heidenreich, S. (2012): Innovations - Doomed to fail? Investigating passive and active Innovation Resistance, Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg.

Heidenreich, S., Huber, F., Vogel, J. (2008): Flatrates und die Faszination grenzenlosen Konsums - Eine empirische Studie in der Mobilfunkbranche, Gabler-Verlag: Wiesbaden.

Lindner, F., Heidenreich, S. (2008): Potenziale des Wissensmanagements für kleine und mittlere produzierende Unternehmen, in: Gleich, R., Sauter, R.: Operational Excellence: Innovative Ansätze und Best Practices in der produzierenden Industrie, Haufe-Verlag: München.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen

Robers, D., Heidenreich, S., Weber, B., Albrecht, V., Baermann, M., zum Felde, I., Gerhards, U. & Grobusch, H. (2013): Innovationstreiber Kooperation – Chancen für den Mittelstand, Köln.

Bründl, A., Deutsch, N., Heidenreich, S., Krüger, L., Schneider, C. & Schulze, M. (2012): Erfolgsfaktoren eines „Ganzheitlichen Energiemanagements“ (GEM), Düsseldorf.

Futterer, F., Heidenreich, S., Löwer, T., Schneider, C. & Schulze, M. (2012): Barometer Kostenmanagement: Studie zur Kosteneffizienz im Unternehmen und deren Erfolgsfaktoren, Köln.

Beiträge auf Konferenzen mit Begutachtungsprozess:

Heidenreich, S. & Krämer, T. (2014): How to overcome Passive Innovation Resistance - Examining the Effectiveness of Mental Simulation, Benefit Comparison and Categorization Cues, 2014 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 2014 (akzeptiert; VHB-Jourqual 2.1: E).

Heidenreich, S., Krämer, T. & Gouthier, M. (2014): The Fascination of limitless Consumption – Investigating Strategies to enhance the Return on Flat-rate Bias, 2014 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, San Francisco, USA, August 2014 (akzeptiert; VHB-Jourqual 2.1: E).

Krämer, T., Gouthier, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2014): Pride and Turnover Intentions Among Frontline Employees, AMA SERVSIG 2014, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, Juni 2014 (akzeptiert).

Heidenreich, S., Krämer, T., Gouthier, M. & Handrich, M. (2014): Making use of Tariff-Choice Biases – Investigating Strategies to enhance Intensity of Flat-rate Biases, 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapur, Juli 2014 (akzeptiert).

Heidenreich, S., Krämer, T. & Handrich, M. (2014): Satisfied and Unwilling - Ex-ploring cognitive and situational Resistance to Innovations, 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapur, Juli 2014 (akzeptiert).

Schmidt, J. & Heidenreich, S. (2014): Investigating Organizational Antecedents of Effectual Corporate Entrepreneurship, The XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Dublin; Irland, Juni 2014 (akzeptiert).

Janeschek, S., Gouthier, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2014): Do Industrial Services Really Improve Performance? The Critical Role of Value Perception Through Key Per-formance Indicators, 23rd Annual Frontiers in Services Conference, Miami, USA, Juni 2014 (akzeptiert).

Schulze, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2014): Eco-control in the context of energy man-agement, 2014 Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN) Conference, Rotterdam, Holland, März 2014 (akzeptiert).

Weber, B. & Heidenreich, S. (2014): How to configure inter-organizational coop-eration? Investigating effects of formal and informal cooperation structure on core management functions and innovation success, 21st international product devel-opment management conference, Limerick, Irland, Juni 2014 (akzeptiert).

Munck, C., Tkotz, A. & Heidenreich, S. (2013): Innovation Control System (ICS) Effectiveness - Investigating Effects of ICS-Instruments on Innovation Performance, The 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Melbourne, Australien, Dezember 2013.

Petschnig, M., Heidenreich, S. & Spieth, P. (2013): Ready, Steady Green: How Innovation Characteristics and Strategic Policies Influence the Innovative Con-sumers\' Adoption of Eco-Innovations, 33rd SMS Annual International Conference, Atlanta, USA, September 2013.

Schulze, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2013): Innovating Organisations towards Energy Efficiency, The XXIV ISPIM conference, Helsinki, Finnland, Juni 2013.

Nestle, V., Taeube, F. & Heidenreich, S. (2013): An affair to remember - the role of trust and information asymmetry for open innovation in cluster initiatives, 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013, Barcelona, Spanien, Juni 2013.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2013): The power of co-creation - Examining customers’ willingness to co-create as the missing link to explain the adoption of technology-based services, 2013 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, Boston, USA, August 2013 (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: E).

Heidenreich, S., Handrich, M. & Krämer, T. (2013): What about passive innovation resistance? Investigating adoption-related behaviour from a resistance perspective, 2013 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, Boston, USA, August 2013 (VHB-Jourqual 2.1: E)

Weber, B., Heidenreich, S. & Täube, F. (2013): “When to cooperate?” and “whom to cooperate with?”- Investigating effects of cooperation intensity and portfolio on innovation success, 20th international product development management conference, Paris, Frankreich, Juni 2013.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2012): I don’t need it and I don’t want to - Examining effects of situational and cognitive Resistance to Innovations, 2012 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, Chicago, USA, August 2012.

Handrich, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2012): Is there a dark side to customer co-creation? Exploring consequences of failed co-created services, 2012 AMA Summer Marketing Educators\' Conference, Chicago, USA, August 2012.

Landsperger, J.; Spieth, P.; Heidenreich, S. (2012): How to boost innovation network performance, Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting, USA, August 2012.

Abstein, A., Heidenreich, S. & Spieth, P. (2012): The Impact of HR System Perceptions on Innovative Work Behavior and the Role of Work-Life Conflict, Academy of Management 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August 2012.

Landsperger, J., Spieth, P. & Heidenreich, S. (2012): The Influence of Network Managers on Network Performance in Innovation Networks: Moderating Effects of Power Distribution and Network Duration, The 2012 SMS Conference, Singapur, Singapur, Juli 2012.

Landsperger, J., Spieth, P. & Heidenreich, S. (2012): How network managers contribute to innovation networks, The XXIII ISPIM Conference, Barcelona, Spanien, Juli 2012.

Petschnig, M., Spieth, P. & Heidenreich, S. (2012): Accelerating Consumer Adoption of Alternative Fuel Vehicles - The Role of Perceived Adoption Factors, The 2012 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Queenstown, Neuseeland, Juli 2012.

Heidenreich, S. (2012): What really hinders Innovation Adoption - Exploring cognitive and situational Resistance to Innovations, 19th International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester, England, Juni 2012.

Handrich, M., Heidenreich, S. & Thomas, Linn (2012): The Dark Side of Customer Co-Creation - What happens when technology-based co-created Services fail, 2012 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, Mai 2012 (William R. Darden Best Marketing Research Paper Award).

Handrich, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2011). An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – Predicting customer retaliation after failed service recovery, QUIS12 (the 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management), Ithaca, USA, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2011).The Relevance of Consumers’ Preference Dispositions within Tariff-Choices, QUIS12 (the 12th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management), Ithaca, USA, Juni 2011.

Handrich, M. & Heidenreich, S. (2011). Tit for tat - Is customer retaliation in a service recovery context predictable? The 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2011). Failure - The Mother of Innovation? How Resistance to Change and Status Quo Satisfaction drive Passive Innovation Resistance, The 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2011) Consumers\' Resistance to Innovations – Investigating the Cases of Passive and Active Innovation Resistance, The 2011 Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S., Talke, K. & Bode, M. (2011) Why Innovations Fail - Investigating The Relevance Of Resistance To Change And Status Quo Satisfaction For Innovative Consumer Behavior, 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Deflt, Niederlande, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S. & Talke, K. (2011). Consumers’ Resistance to Innovation - No Exception, but the Norm? How passive Innovation Resistance affects New Product Evaluation, 18th International Product Development Management Conference, Deflt, Niederlande, Juni 2011.

Heidenreich, S. & Handrich, M. (2010): The Fascination of Limitless Consumption - An Empirical Study of Existence and Causes of Flat-Rate Biases in the Cellular Mobile Industry, 2010 Global Marketing Conference Tokyo, Japan, September 2010.

Heidenreich, S. & Talke, K. (2010): Innovation Resistance - Integrating Negative Outcomes in Innovation Decision Modeling, 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Dänemark, Juni 2010.

Heidenreich, S., Schmidt, T. & Gleich, R. (2010): Tarifwahl-Anomalien bei optionalen Dienstleistungstarifen - Eine empirische Analyse der Flatrate-Präferenz und des Flatrate-Bias, 2. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung, Rostock, Deutschland, September 2010.

Heidenreich, S. & Talke, K. (2010): Passive Resistance to Innovations - Integrating Resistance to Change in Innovation-Decision Models, 16th International Product Development Management Conference, Murcia, Spanien, Juni 2010.

Gessner, C., Heidenreich, S. & Schentler, P. (2010): Diffusion der Prozesskostenrechung in der deutschen verarbeitenden Industrie - Eine empirische Analyse möglicher Determinanten, 7. WHU Controllertagung, Vallendar, Deutschland, März 2010.

Heidenreich, S., Talke, K., Temmel, P. & Gleich, R. (2009): Tariff-Choice Anomalies in Optional Tariffs - An Empirical Study in the Cellular Mobile Industry, 29th International RESER Conference, Budapest, Ungarn, September 2009.

Gessner, C., Gleich, R. & Heidenreich, S. (2009): Diffusion of Management Accounting Innovations - A Structural Equation Approach. European Accounting Association, 32nd Annual Congress, Tampere, Finnland, Mai 2009.

Gessner, C., Gleich, R., Heidenreich, S. & Sommer, L. (2009): Diffusion of Management Accounting Innovations - A Structural Equation Approach. 9TH Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, Münster, Deutschland, Juni 2009.

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