Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester
Online-Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Mannheim
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbesondere Marketing III
Marketing Strategie
Marketing Management
Internationales Marketing
Ort / PLZ
68131 Mannheim
Zimmer 0.10
L5, 1
+49 (0)621 181 2388
Tätigkeit an Business Schools
Ausgewählte Publikationen in referierten Zeitschriften
Kuester, Sabine, Christian Homburg and Thomas S. Robertson (1999), \"Retaliatory Behavior to New Product Entry,\" Journal of Marketing, 63 (4), 90-106.
Kuester, Sabine, Monika C. Schuhmacher, Barbara Broermann, and Andreas Worgul (forthcoming 2013), \"Sectoral Heterogeneity in New Service Development: An Exploratory Study of Service Types and Success Factors,\" Journal of Product Innovation Management, n/a, n/a.
Kuester, Sabine, Christian Homburg, and Silke C. Hess (2012), \"Externally Directed and Internally Directed Market Launch Management: The Role of Organizational Factors in Influencing New Product Success,\" Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29, 38-52.
Montaguti, Elisa, Sabine Kuester, and Thomas S. Robertson (2002), \"Entry Strategy for Radical Product Innovations: A Conceptual Model and Propositional Inventory,\" International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (1), 21-42.
Homburg, Christian, Sabine Kuester, Nikolas Beutin, and Ajay Menon (2005), \"Determinants of Customer Benefits in Business-to-Business Markets: A Cross-Cultural Comparison,\" Journal of International Marketing, 13 (3), 1-31.
Homburg, Christian and Sabine Kuester (2001), \"Toward an Improved Understanding of Industrial Buying Behavior: Determinants of the Number of Suppliers,\" Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 8 (2), 5-33.
Eine vollständige Liste der Publikationen finden Sie
Ausgewählte Publikationen in Conference Proceedings
Feurer, Sven, Monika C. Schuhmacher, and Sabine Kuester (2013), \"Using price strategy to manage adoption barriers of radical new products,\" in American Marketing Association Winter Educators\' Conference 2013 Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, USA (February 15-17).
Kuester, Sabine, Barbara Broermann, Sven Feurer, and Monika C. Schuhmacher (2012), \"Price complexity and perceptions of price fairness: The moderating effect of need for cognition,\" in American Marketing Association Winter Educators\' Conference 2012 Proceedings, St. Petersburg, FL, USA (February 17-19).
Schuhmacher, Monika C., Sabine Kuester, and Sven Feurer (2012), \"Co-creation in New Service Development: An Experiment,\" in American Marketing Association Winter Educators\' Conference 2012 Proceedings, St. Petersburg, FL, USA (February 17-19).
Kuester, Sabine and Andreas Hildesheim (2012), \"Sales Force Integration in New Product Development - A Key Driver of New Product Success?,\" in American Marketing Association Winter Educators\' Conference 2012 Proceedings, St. Petersburg, FL, USA (February 17-19).
Schuhmacher, Monika C., Sabine Kuester, and Maurus Tremel (2011), \"Sport Sponsoring - The Communication Impact of Different Components of the Sponsor-Event-Fit and the Role of Involvement,\" in American Marketing Association Summer Educators\' Conference 2011 Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, USA (August 5-8).
Kuester, Sabine and Nina Landauer (2011), \"Current Corporate Product Portfolio Management Practice: An Exploratory Study,\" in American Marketing Association Summer Educators\' Conference 2011 Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, USA (August 5-8).
Kuester, Sabine and Barbara Broermann (2011), \"Strategies for Introducing Prices for Formerly Free Value-added Services,\" in AMA Winter Educators\' Conference 2011 Proceedings, Austin, TX, USA (February 18-20).
Feurer, Sven, Sabine Kuester, and Monika C. Schuhmacher (2012), \"When is the launch price of a new product (un)fair? The moderating effects of new product radicalness, customer innovativeness, and expected future price reduction,\" in Proceedings of the 2012 EMAC Conference, Lisbon (May 22-25).
Kuester, Sabine and Thomas Rilling (2010), \"Managers\' Marketing Alliance Formation Behavior - The Impact of Company External Conditions and Managers? Personality Traits,\" in Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 1-4).
Kuester, Sabine, Silke C. Heß, and Isabel Staufer (2008), \"What Do Brands Signal for New Products?,\" in Proceedings of the 37th EMAC Conference, Brighton, UK (May 27-30).
Kuester, Sabine and Monika C. Schuhmacher (2010), \"Leveraging Customer Knowledge for New Products in B2C: Drivers and Performance Implications,\" in Proceedings of the 17th IPDM Conference, Murcia, Spain (June 13-15).
Kuester, Sabine, Monika C. Schuhmacher, and Claudia Grigull (2009), \"Consumer Evaluations of Intelligent Products,\" in Proceedings of the 16th IPDM Conference, Enschede, Holland (June 7-9).
Schuhmacher, Monika C., Sabine Kuester, and Dorothee Flötotto (2011), \"Idea Competitions in New Service Development: Co-Creation with a Certain Consumer Group?,\" in Proceedings of the 15th AMS World Conference, Reims, France (July 19-23).
Eine vollständige Liste der Publikationen finden Sie
Homburg, Christian, Sabine Kuester, and Harley Krohmer (2012), Marketing Management - A Contemporary Perspective. London: McGraw-Hill.
Kuester, Sabine (1996), Retaliatory Behavior to New Product Entry. London: London University Press.
Publikationen in der Wirtschaftspresse
Kuester, Sabine (2009), \"Brands - A tale of the mighty?,\" Association of MBAs, Ambition, 10 (April-June), 2-3.
Kuester, Sabine (2008), \"Ketchup muss rot sein,\" Financial Times Deutschland, Oktober 29.
Kuester, Sabine (2003), \"Marketing Orientierung für Professoren und Praktiker,\" Die Welt, März 1.
Kuester, Sabine (2001), \"Accélérer le Décollage des Nouvelles Technologies,\" Les Echos, November 20.
Kuester, Sabine (2001), \"Can Technology Wisdom be Taught?,\" The Industry Standard, May 12.
Kuester, Sabine (1998), \"Technology Takeoff - How do new technologies get there?,\" Financial Times, September. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.