Prof. Dr. Rainald Borck
Professor - aktiv
Universität Potsdam
Universität Potsdam
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Professur für Öffentlicher Sektor
Finanz- und Sozialpolitik
Professur für Öffentlicher Sektor
Finanz- und Sozialpolitik
Ort / PLZ
14482 Potsdam
14482 Potsdam
August-Bebel-Str. 89
August-Bebel-Str. 89
0331 977-3393
0331 977-3393
R. Borck, S. Uebelmesser, and M. Wimbersky. The political economics of higher education
finance with mobile individuals. CESifo workig paper No. 3877, 2012.
S. Bauernschuster and R. Borck. The effect of child care provision on family structure:
Theory and evidence. CESifo working paper series No. 3763, 2012.
R. Borck. Adieu Rabenmutter – The effect of culture on fertility, female labour supply, the
gender wage gap and childcare. CESifo working paper No. 3337, 2011.
R. Borck and M. Wimbersky. Political economics of higher education finance. Oxford
Economic Papers, 2013. forthcoming.
R. Borck, H.-J. Koh, and M. Pflüger. Inefficient lock-in and subsidy competition. International
Economic Review, 53(4), 2012.
R. Borck and K. Wrohlich. Preferences for childcare policies: Theory and evidence.
European Journal of Political Economy, 27(3), 436–454, 2011.
R. Borck. Federalism, fertility and growth. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113,
30–54, 2011.
R. Borck, M. Pflüger, and M. Wrede. A simple theory of industry location and residence
choice. Journal of Economic Geography, 10, 913–940, 2010.
R. Borck and M. Wrede. Subsidies for intracity and intercity commuting. Journal of
Urban Economics, 66(1), 25 – 32, 2009.
R. Borck. Voting on redistribution with tax evasion. Social Choice and Welfare, 32,
439–452, 2009.
R. Borck and M. Wrede. Commuting subsidies with two transport modes. Journal of
Urban Economics, 63(3), 841 – 848, 2008.
R. Borck. Central versus local education finance: a political economy approach. International
Tax and Public Finance, 15(3), 338–352, June 2008.
R. Borck. Voting, inequality, and redistribution. Journal of Economic Surveys, 21, 90-109, 2007
R. Borck. On the choice of public pensions when income and life expectancy are correlated.
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 9, 711–725, 2007.
R. Borck, M. Caliendo, and V. Steiner. Fiscal competition and the composition of spending:
Theory and evidence. FinanzArchiv, 63, 264–277, 2007.
R. Borck. Consumption and social life in cities: Evidence from Germany. Urban Studies,
44(11), 2105–2121, 2007.
R. Borck and M. Pflüger. Agglomeration and tax competition. European Economic
Review, 50, 647–668, 2006.
R. Borck, B. Frank, and J. R. Robledo. An empirical analysis of voluntary payments for
information goods on the internet. Information Economics and Policy, 18(2), 229–239,
June 2006.
R. Borck and M. Wrede. Political economy of commuting subsidies. Journal of Urban
Economics, 57(3), 478–499, 2005.
R. Borck. Fiscal Competition, Capital- Skill Complementarity, and the Composition of Public
Spending. FinanzArchiv, 61, 488–499, 2005.
R. Borck. Stricter enforcement may increase tax evasion. European Journal of Political
Economy, 20, 725–737, 2004.
P. Baake, R. Borck, and A. Löffler. Complexity and progressivity in income tax design:
Deductions for work-related expenses. International Tax and Public Finance, 11,
299–312, 2004.
R. Borck. Income tax evasion and the penalty structure. Economics Bulletin, 8(5), 1–9,
R. Borck. Tax competition and the choice of tax structure in a majority voting model.
Journal of Urban Economics, 54, 173–180, 2003.
R. Borck and S. Owings. The political economy of intergovernmental grants. Regional
Science and Urban Economics, 33, 139–156, 2003.
R. Borck, D. Engelmann, W. Müller, and H.-T. Normann. Tax liability-side equivalence in
experimental posted-offer markets. Southern Economic Journal, 68(3), 672–692, 2002.
R. Borck. Jurisdiction size, political participation, and the allocation of resources. Public
Choice, 113, 251–263, 2002.
R. Borck. Investment and the tragedy of the commons. Economics Bulletin, 4(2), 1–6,
P. Baake and R. Borck. Pareto efficiency and majority voting: Why high taxes on the
middle class may be desirable. Public Choice, 102, 77–91, 2000.
S. Owings and R. Borck. Legislative professionalism and government spending: Do citizen
legislatures really spend less? Public Finance Review, 28, 210–225, 2000.
R. Borck. Centralization of public good supply with majority voting. FinanzArchiv, 55,
21–40, 1998.
R. Borck. Ideology and interest groups. Public Choice, 88(1-2), 147–60, July 1996. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.