Prof. Rajshri Jayaraman, PhD

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Associate Professor
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Ort / PLZ
10178 Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
+49 (0) 30 212 31-0 (Zentrale)
+49 (0) 30 212 31-9 (Zentrale)

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • ESMT Berlin

Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

DFG Grant, JA 1675/2–1, 2009–2010

SSHRC, Canadian grant for project entitled “Nouvelle Economie et Productivité des Entreprises (Firm Productivity and the New Economy)” (joint with Benoit Dostie) 2004–2005.

Royal Economics Society’s Young Economist Award in RES, March 2002.

Olin Fellowship, Cornell University, 2000.

Morse Woodbury Fellowship, Cornell University, 1998 and 2000.

McVoy Trust Fellowship, Cornell University, 1999.

Prescott Fellowship, Cornell University, 1999.


Journal Publications

Dostie, B., Jayaraman, R., and Trépanier, M. (Forthcoming). What (if any) are the Returns to Computer Use? Applied Economics.

Dostie, B., and Jayaraman, R. (2006). Determinants of School Enrollment in Indian Villages. Economic Development and Cultural Change 54(2): 405–421.

Jayaraman, R., and Oak, M. (2005). The Signalling Role of Municipal Currency in Local Development. Economica 72: 597–613.

Jayaraman, R., and Lanjouw, P. (2004). Small-Scale Industry, Environmental Regulation and Poverty: The Case of Brazil. World Bank Economic Review 18(3): 443–464.

Jayaraman, R., and Lanjouw, P. (1999). The Evolution of Poverty and Inequality in Indian Villages. World Bank Research Observer 14(1): 1–30.

White Papers

Friederiszick, H., Gantumur, T., Jayaraman, R., Röller, L., and Weinmann, J. (2009). Railway Alliances in EC Long-Distance Passenger Transport: A Competitive Assessment Post-Liberalization 2010. ESMT White Paper ESMT No. WP–109–01.

Working Papers

Dostie, B., and Jayaraman, R. (2009). The Effect of Adversity on Process Innovations and Managerial Incentives. ESMT Working Paper No. ESMT–09–002.

Dostie, B., and Jayaraman, R. (2007). Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace Productivity. ESMT Working Paper No. ESMT–08–007.

Work in Progress

Blume, L., and Jayaraman, R. Social Identity and Economic Performance.

Besley, T., and Jayaraman, R. (ed.) Microeconomics of Institutions. MIT book project.

Jayaraman, R. The Effect of School Lunches on Primary School Enrolment: Evidence from an Exogenous Policy Change in India.

Teile diesen Professor

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