Prof. Dr. Michelle Goeree

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Universität Zürich
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Empirical Evonomics / Empirical Policy Analysis
empirical industrial organization
health economics
applied microeconomics
Ort / PLZ
8006 Zürich
Blümlisalpstrasse 10
+41 (0)44 634 55 65



"Formal Home Health Care, Informal Care, and Family Decision Making" (with David Byrne, Bridget Hiedemann, and Steven Stern), International Economic Review, 50(4), November 2009, pp.1205-1242.

"Limited Information and Advertising in the US Personal Computer Industry", Econometrica 76(5), September 2008, pp. 1017-1074
(Previously circulated as Advertising in the US Personal Computer Industry) Other Information and Supplements.

"Cooperation in the Classroom: Experimenting with R&D Cooperatives" (with Jeroen Hinloopen), Journal of Economic Education 39(4), Fall 2008, pp. 357-373.

Working Papers/Work-in-Progress:

"Do Research Joint Ventures Serve a Collusive Function?" (with Eric Helland), under review

"Caught in the Bulimic Trap? On the Incidence, Persistence, and State Dependence of Bulimia Among Blacks and Whites" (with John C. Ham and Daniela Iorio), under review

Press Reactions: Chicago-Sun Times, Guardian, Science Update (radio feature for Science), Teen Vogue, USC news release, PBS Tavis Smiley

"Effects of Advertising and Product Placement on Television Audiences" (with Geert Ridder and Kenneth C. Wilbur), under review

"Who Cares for (Which) Elderly Parents?" (with Bridget Hiedemann and Steven Stern)

"Lifestye Choice, Socioeconomics, and Breast Cancer: Information from Multiple Datasets" (with Steven Stern and Sara Hurvitz)

"Was Mr. Hewlett Right? Mergers, Advertising, and the PC Industry"

"The Role of Accessibility in Cannabis Use: An Econometric and Bayesian Approach" (with Liana Jacobi)

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