Prof. Dr. Udo Kreickemeier

Professor - aktiv

Technische Universität Dresden
Business and Economics
International Economics
Ort / PLZ
01069 Dresden
Helmholtzstr. 10


Recent publications

1. Worker-specific Effects of Globalisation (with Hartmut Egger), World Economy, forthcoming.

2. Open Shop Unions and Product Market Competition (with Paulo Bastos and Peter Wright), Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

3. Redistributing Gains from Globalisation (with Hartmut Egger) Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111 (2009), pp. 765-788.

4. Unions, Competition and International Trade in General Equilibrium (with Paulo Bastos), Journal of International Economics, 79 (2009), pp. 238-247.

5. Oligopoly, Open Shop Unions and Trade Liberalisation (with Paulo Bastos and Peter Wright), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27 (2009), pp. 679-686.

6. Tariff Reforms with Rigid Wages (with Rod Falvey), Economic Theory, 41 (2009), pp. 23-39.

7. Trade, Technology and Unemployment: The Role of Endogeneous Skill Formation, Canadian Journal of Economics, 42 (2009), pp. 639-664.

8. Firm Heterogeneity and the Labor Market Effects of Trade Liberalization (with Hartmut Egger), International Economic Review, 50 (2009), pp. 187-216.

9. Tariff-Tax Reforms and Market Access (with Pascalis Raimondos-Møller), Journal of Development Economics, 87 (2008), pp. 85-91.

10 International Fragmentation: Boon or Bane for Domestic Employment? (with Hartmut Egger), European Economic Review, 52 (2008) pp. 116-132.

11. Fair Wages, Unemployment and Technological Change in a Global Economy (with Douglas Nelson), Journal of International Economics, 70 (2006), pp. 451-469.

12. The Le Chatelier Principle in the Theory of International Trade, Journal of Economics, 89 (2006), pp. 245-266.

13. Unemployment and the Welfare Effects of Trade Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics, 38 (2005), pp. 194-210.

14. Globalisation and Factor Returns in Competitive Markets (with Rod Falvey), Journal of International Economics, 66 (2005), pp. 233-248.

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