Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
International Business
International Business
subsidiary-headquarters relations
International and comparative HRM
Convergence vs. divergence of (HR) management practices
Multinational teams
Impact of language on international business
Japanese management
subsidiary-headquarters relations
International and comparative HRM
Convergence vs. divergence of (HR) management practices
Multinational teams
Impact of language on international business
Japanese management
Ort / PLZ
72074 Tübingen
72074 Tübingen
Melanchthonstraße 30
Melanchthonstraße 30
+49 - 7071 - 29 - 74150
+49 - 7071 - 29 - 74150
+49 - 7071 - 29 - 5534
+49 - 7071 - 29 - 5534
Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen
Samsung Best Paper Finalist Award by the International Management Division of the Academy of Management for the paper: Hajro, A. & Pudelko, M. (2009)
‘Corporate Culture: Linking Multinational Teams to Organizational Context’ for being among the best four international management papers overall.
UMSL Best Paper Finalist Prize Award by the International Management Division of the Academy of Management for the paper: Hajro, A. & Pudelko, M. (2009)
‘Corporate Culture: Linking Multinational Teams to Organizational Context’ for being among the best five international management papers in the areas of
organizational behaviour / human resource management / organizational theory.
Ulrich & Lake Award for Excellence in HRM Scholarship by the journal Human Resource Management for the best publication in Human Resource Management in the year 2007 for ‘HRM Practices in Subsidiaries of US, Japanese and German MNCs: Country of Origin, Localization or Dominance Effect?’.
Nomination for the Thomson Prize, rewarding the best published research by a member of the University of Edinburgh Management School & Economics in 2007.
From contributions of 60 faculty members, eight were shortlisted and my contribution ‘HRM Practices in Subsidiaries of US, Japanese and German MNCs:
Country of Origin, Localization or Dominance Effect?’, published in Human Resource Management, came in second.
Paper of Excellence Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management for having written one of the twelve best papers in International HRM in 2005 and
2006: Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘A Comparison of HRM Systems in the USA, Japan and Germany in their Socio-Economic Context’, Human Resource Management Journal, 16, 2, 123-153.
Nomination for the Best Paper Award of the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) 19th Annual Meeting (among the top 4 papers selected from over 75 submissions) for the paper: Pudelko, M. (2007) ‘Different Kinds of Control Mechanisms in the Headquarters-Subsidiaries Relations’.
Citation of Excellence Award by Emerald for having published one of the top fifty management articles in 2006, selected from over 15,000 articles published in more
than 400 top management journals: Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘A Comparison of HRM Systems in the USA, Japan and Germany in their Socio-Economic Context’, Human Resource Management Journal, 16, 2, 123-153.
Nomination for the Best Paper Award of the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting (among the top 10 papers selected from over 1000 submissions) for the paper: Pudelko, M. & Harzing, A.-W. (2006) ‘HRM Practices in Subsidiaries of US, Japanese and German MNCs: Country of Origin, Localization or Dominance Effect?’.
Best Paper Award at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 19th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management for the paper:
Pudelko, M. (2004) ‘Is Japanese HRM Undergoing a ‘Westernization’?’.
Dissertation Award of the Commerzbank Foundation.
Pudelko, M. (2000) Das Personalmanagement in Deutschland, den USA und Japan. Band 1: Die Bedeutung gesamtgesellschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen im Wettbewerb der Systeme (Human Resource Management in Germany, the USA and Japan. Vol.1: The Significance of Societal Contextual Factors in the Competition of the Systems), Cologne: Saborowski, 356 pages.
Pudelko, M. (2000) Das Personalmanagement in Deutschland, den USA und Japan. Band 2: Eine systematische und vergleichende Bestandsaufnahme (Human Resource Management in Germany, the USA and Japan. Vol. 2: A Systematic and Comparative Report), Cologne: Saborowski, 268 pages.
Pudelko, M. (2000) Das Personalmanagement in Deutschland, den USA und Japan. Band 3: Wie wir voneinander lernen können. Mit einer empirischen Studie über die 500 größten Unternehmen der drei Länder (Human Resource Management in Germany, the
USA and Japan. Vol. 3: How We Can Learn From One Another. With an Empirical Study of the 500 Largest Companies of the Three Countries), Cologne: Saborowski, 324 pages.
Book Editorships
Haak, R. & Pudelko, M. (2005) (eds) Japanese Management: The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change, Houndmills: Palgrave.
Pudelko, M. (1997) (ed) The European Monetary Union: Blessing or Disaster? CEMS Graduate Conference Committee Köln e.V., Cologne: Schirmer.
Book Chapters
Pudelko, M. (forthcoming) ‘The American and the Japanese Innovation Systems in Comparison: How Contextual Differences over Time Determine National
Competitiveness’, in: Haghirian, P. (ed) Innovation and Development in Japanese Management and Technology, Houndmills: Palgrave.
Pudelko, M. (forthcoming) ‘Innovation in Japanese HRM: Are Japanese Companies Adopting the Pay for Performance Principle’, in: Haghirian, P. (ed) Innovation and Development in Japanese Management and Technology, Houndmills: Palgrave.
Pudelko, M. & Harzing, A.-W. (forthcoming) ‘Japanese HRM: Inspirations from Abroad and Current Trends of Change’, in: Bebenroth, R. (ed) International Human Resource Management in Japan, Routledge.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘Japanisches Personalmanagement im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel’ (Japanese HRM between Continuity and Change), in Bellmann, K. & Haak, R. (eds) Der japanische Markt, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 249-266.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘Decision Making in Japanese Companies’, in: Haak, R. (ed) The Changing Structure of Labour in Japan. Japanese Human Resource Management between Continuity and Innovation, Houndmills: Palgrave, 88-112.
Pudelko, M. (2005) ‘Japanese Human Resource Management: From Being a Miracle to Needing One?’, in: Haak, R. & Pudelko, M. (eds) Japanese Management: The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change, Houndmills: Palgrave, 184-212.
Pudelko, M. (2005) ‘Continuity versus Change: The Key Dilemma for Japanese Management’, in: Haak, R. & Pudelko, M. (eds) Japanese Management: The Search for a
New Balance between Continuity and Change, Houndmills: Palgrave, 241-252.
Pudelko, M. & Haak, R. (2005) ‘The Current State of the Japanese Economy and Challenges for Japanese Management: An Overview’, in: Haak, R. & Pudelko, M. (eds)
Japanese Management: The Search for a New Balance between Continuity and Change, Houndmills: Palgrave, 3-18.
Pudelko, M. (1997) ‘Foreword of the Editor’, in: CEMS Graduate Conference Committee Köln e.V. (ed) The European Monetary Union: Blessing or Disaster?, Cologne:
Schirmer, pp. 5-11.
Pudelko, M. (1997) ‘Who is ‘Us’?’, in: CEMS Graduate Conference Committee Köln e.V. (ed) The European Monetary Union: Blessing or Disaster?, Cologne: Schirmer, pp. 259-270.
Book reviews
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘Some Good Recipes for Globalization – But Quite a Few Ingredients Are Missing’, a review of Friedman, T. L. (2005) ‘The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century’, Academy of Management Perspectives, May, 78-80.
Pudelko, M. & Mendenhall, M. (2009) ‘The Contingent Nature of Best Practices in National Competitiveness: The Case of American and Japanese Innovation Process’,
European Management Journal, 27, 6.
Pudelko, M. (2009) ‘The End of Japanese-Style Management?’, Long Range Planning, 42, 4.
Pudelko, M. & Harzing, A.-W. (2008) ‘The Golden Triangle for MNCs: Standardization towards Headquarters Practices, Standardization towards Global Best Practices and Localization’, Organizational Dynamics, 37, 4, 394-404.
Pudelko, M. & Harzing, A.-W. (2007) ‘Country-of-Origin, Localization or Dominance Effect? An Empirical Investigation of HRM Practices in Foreign Subsidiaries’, Human Resource Management, 46, 4, 535–559.
(This publication was awarded with the Ulrich & Lake Award for Excellence in HRM Scholarship by the journal Human Resource Management for the best publication in this journal in the year 2007.)
(This paper was nominated for the Thomson Prize, rewarding the best published research by a member of the University of Edinburgh Management School & Economics in 2007. From contributions of some 80 faculty members, eight were shortlisted and this paper came in second.)
(A previous version of the article was nominated for the AIB Best Paper Award at the 2006 Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, i.e. was among the top
10 papers selected from over 1000 submissions.)
Pudelko, M. & Mendenhall, M. (2007) ‘The Japanese Management Metamorphosis: What Western Executives Need to Know about Current Japanese Management Practices’, Organizational Dynamics, 36, 3, 274-287.
Pudelko, M. & Harzing, A.-W. (2007) ‘How European is Management in Europe? An Analysis of Past, Present and Future Management Practices in Europe’, European
Journal of International Management, 1, 3, 206-224.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘German Human Resource Management: A Source of Inspiration?’, European Management Journal, 24, 6, 430-438. This paper appeared on EMJ’s webpage in 2008 under the column ‘Top 25 – Hottest Articles’.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘The Seniority Principle in Japanese Companies: A Relic of the Past?’, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 44, 3, 276-294.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘Universalism, Particularism and Singularism in Cross-National Management’, International Studies of Management & Organization, 36, 4, 9-37.
Carr, C. & Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘Convergence of Management Practices in Strategy, Finance and HRM between the USA, Japan and Germany’, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 6, 1, 75-100.
Pudelko, M. (2006) ‘A Comparison of HRM Systems in the USA, Japan and Germany in their Socio-Economic Context’, Human Resource Management Journal, 16, 2, 123-153. (This article received the Paper of Excellence Award by the HR Division of the Academy of Management for having written one of the twelve best papers in International HRM in 2005 and 2006).
(This article received the Citation of Excellence Award by Emerald as one of the top fifty management articles published in 2006, selected from over 15,000 articles published in the top-400 management journals.)
Pudelko, M. (2005) ‘Cross-National Learning from Best Practice and the Convergence-Divergence Debate in HRM’, International Journal of Human Resource Management,
16, 11, 2047-2076.
(A previous version of this paper received the Best Paper Award at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) 19th Workshop on Strategic
Human Resource Management.)
Pudelko, M. & Bhargava, N. (2005) ‘The Influence of Islam on the Economic Development of Muslim Countries’, Economy, Business and Finance, 20, 235, 16-28.
Pudelko, M. (2004) ‘Benchmarking: Was amerikanische, japanische und deutsche Personalmanager voneinander lernen’ (Benchmarking: What American, Japanese and
German HR managers learn from each other), Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 18, 2, 139-163.
Pudelko, M. (2004) ‘HRM in Japan and the West: What are the Lessons to Be Learnt from Each Other?’, Asian Business and Management, 3, 3, 337-361.
Non-Reviewed Journal Articles
Pudelko, M. & Haghirian, P. (2008) ‘Senioritätsprinzip und lebenslange Anstellung – Ende eines Mythos?’, Japan Markt, September, 26-28.
Pudelko, M. (2005) ‘The Transformation of the Japanese Management Model’, CS Review, Autumn, 8.
Pudelko, M., Carr, C. & Henley, J. (2006) ‘Globalization and its Effects on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management’, International Studies of Management &
Organization, 36, 3, 3-8.
Pudelko, M., Carr, C., Fink, G., & Wentges, P. (2006) ‘The Convergence Concept in Cross-Cultural Management Research’, International Journal of Cross-Cultural
Management, 6, 1.
Journal Guest Editing
Pudelko, M., Carr, C. & Reiche, S. (forthcoming) special issue of International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management.
Pudelko, M., Henley, J. & Carr, C. (2006), special issue of International Studies of Management & Organization, 3, 8.
Pudelko, M., Fink, G., Carr, C. & Wentges, P. (2006), special issue of International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management.
Member of the guest editorial board for the Association of Japanese Business Studies special issue of Asian Business and Management (2005). Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.