O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Manfred Deistler

Professor - aktiv

Technische Universität Wien
Fakultät für Mathematik und Geoinformation
Institut für Wirtschaftsmathematik
Ökonometrie und Systemtheorie
Ort / PLZ
1040 Wien
Argentinierstraße 8

Tätigkeit an Business Schools

  • TU Wien ACE


a) Papers

"Die Theorie stationärer stochastischer Prozesse und ihre Anwendung in der Spektralanalyse von Zeitreihen". Diss. TU Wien, 1970

with H. Wegscheider:"Stationäre Zufallsfolgen", Inst. f. Höhere Studien, Wien, Forschungsbericht Nr. 30, 1969

with S. Schleicher: "Struktur der österreichischen Indu-strieproduktion". Inst. f. Höhere Studien, Wien, Forschungs-bericht Nr. 56, 1971, in veränderter Form in Empirica 1, 1974, 72-97

with S. Schleicher: "Effects of the Disturbance Process of the Econometric Model Austria I", Inst. f. Höhere Studien, Wien, Forschungsbericht Nr. 63, 1972

"Die Vorhersagetheorie stationärer Prozesse mit beson-derer Berücksichtigung von Spektralmethoden". In: Mertens, P. (Hrsg.): Prognoserechnung. 2. Aufl. Physika-Verlag, Würzburg.

with W. Oberhofer: "Macroeconomic Systems". Proc. of the 5th IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) World Congress, (Paris), Pittsburg 1972, Part 3, S-5, 1-15

with S. Schleicher: "The Origin of Cyclical Fluctuations in Econometric Models". Vortrag beim European Meeting der Econometric Society, Budapest 1972. Inst. f. Höhere Studien, Wien, Forschungsbericht Nr. 71, 1972

with G. Feichtinger: "Bemerkungen über lineare Modelle der Populationsdynamik". In R. Henn. (Hrsg.): Operations Research Verfahren XV, 1974, 40-62

with G. Feichtinger: "The Linear Model Formulation of a Multi-type Branching Process applied to Population Dynamics". JASA (J. of the American Statistical Association) 69, 1974, 662-664

"The Identifiability of Linear Models with Autocorrelated Errors". J. of Cybernetics 4, 1974, 107-120

"Z-Transform and Identification of Linear Econometric Models with Autocorrelated Errors". Metrika 22, 1975, 13-25

with G. Feichtinger: "Nullwachstum der Bevölkerung im linearen populationsdynamischen Modell". Zeitschr. für Bevölkerungs-wissenschaft 2, 1975, 39-53

"Die Analyse des Prognoseverhaltens ökonometrischer Modelle mit Hilfe von Spektralmethoden". In: Mertens, P. (Hrsg.): Prognoserechnung. 2. Aufl. Physika-Verlag, Würzburg, 1975, 253-263
"The Identifiability of Linear Econometric Models with Auto-correlated Errors", I.E.R. (Internat. Economic Review) 17, 1976, 26-46

"Linear Econometric Models with Autocorrelated Errors: Identifiability and Consistent Estimators". Proc. of the IV IFAC (Int. Federation of Automatic Control) Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation. Tbilisi, UdSSR, 1976. Part 2, 30-41

with H.G. Seifert: "Identifiability and Consistent Estimability in Econometric Models". Econometrica 46, 1978, 969-980

"The Structural Identifiability of Linear Models with Auto-correlated Errors in the Case of Cross-Equation Restrictions". Journal of Econometrics 8, 1978, 23-31

with J. Schrader: "The Exact Estimability of the Transfer Functions of Linear Systems". Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik, Series Statistics 9, 1978, 411-417

with W. Dunsmuir und E.J. Hannan: "Vector Linear Time Series Models: Corrections and Extensions". Adv. in Applied Probability 10, 1978, 360-372

with G. Feichtinger, M. Luptacik und A. Wörgötter: "Optimales Wachstum stabiler Bevölkerungen in einem neoklassischen Modell". Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungs-wissenschaft 1, 1978

with J. Schrader: "Linear Models with Autocorrelated Errors: Identifiability without Minimality Assumptions". Econometrica 47, 1979, 495-504

"The Parametrization of Rational Transfer Function Linear Systems". In: M. Kohlmann and W. Vogel (eds.): "Stochastic Control Theory and Stochastic Differential Systems". Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 16, 1979, 303-310

"Parametrization and Consistent Estimation of ARMA Systems". In: O.D. Anderson (ed.): Time Series. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1980, 373-385

with E.J. Hannan und W. Dunsmuir: "Estimation of Vector ARMAX Models". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 10, 1980, 275-295

with S. Schleicher: "Neuere Entwicklungen der Ökonome-trie".Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 5, 1980, 55-60

"Die Prognose mit ARMA Systemen". In: Mertens, P. (Hrsg.): Prognoserechnung, 4. Auflage, Physika-Verlag, Würzburg, 1980

with G. Tintner: "Identifiability". In J. Gani and V.G. Rohatgi (eds.): Contributions to Probability. Academic Press, New York, 1981, 231-246

with E.J. Hannan: "Some Properties of the Parametrization of ARMA Systems with Unknown Order". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 11, 1981, 474-484

"The Properties of the Parametrization of ARMAX Systems in Structural Specification and Their Relevance for Estimation". In: M. Hazewinkel and J.C. Willems (eds.): "Stochastic Systems: The Mathematics of Filtering and Identification and Applications. Proc. of a NATO-ASI Conference". Academic Press, N.Y., 1981, 283-289

"Recent Developments in Econometrics". In: G. Feichtinger and P. Kall (eds.) Operations Research in Progress, Reidel, 1982

with S. Schleicher: "Maße und Modelle: Empirischer Befund der österreichischen Wirtschaft". In: H. Abele et al. (eds.): Handbuch der österreichischen Wirtschaftspolitik. Manz, Wien, 1982, 53-76

with W. Ploberger und B.M. Pötscher: "Identifiability and Inference in ARMA Systems". In: O.D. Anderson (ed.): Time Series Analysis: Theory and Practice 2. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982, 43-60

"The Properties of the Parametrization of ARMAX Systems and Their Relevance for Structural Estimation and Dynamic Specification". Econometrica 51, 1983, 1187-1208

"The Structure of ARMA-Systems and its Relation to Estimation" In: P. Caines and R. Herman (eds.): Geometry and Identification. Math. Sci. Press, Brookline, Mass., 1983, 49-61

Discussion of "The Econometric Analysis of Economic Time Series" by D.F. Henrdy and J.F. Richard. International Statistical Review 51, 1983, 148-149

with B.M. Pötscher und J. Schrader: "The Uniqueness of the Transfer Function of Linear Systems from Input-Output Observations". Metrika 31, 1984, 157-181

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Identifiability in Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models". Journal of Time Series Analysis 5, 1984, 1-13

with B.M. Pötscher: "The Behaviour of the Likelihood Function for ARMA Models". Adv. in Applied Probability 16, 1984, 843-865

"ARMA Systems: Parametrization and Estimation". In: J.P. Florens et al. (eds.): Alternative Approaches to Time Series Analysis. Publications des Facultes Universitaires Saint Louis, Bruxelles, 1984, 143-160

"Linear Errors-in-Variables Models". In: J. Franke, W. Härdle and R.D. Martin (eds.): Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, Lecture Notes in Statistics. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1984, 68-86

"General Structure and Parametrization of ARMA and State Space Systems and its Relation to Statistical Problems". In: E.J. Hannan, P.R. Krishnaiah, M.M. Rao (eds.): Handbook of Statistics 5, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, 257-277

"Identification of Linear Dynamic Systems". Methods of Operations Research 50, 1985, 187-203

"Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models". In: J. Gani and M. Priestley (eds.): Essays in Time Series and Allied Processes. Papers in honour of E.J. Hannan. Applied Probability Trust, 1986, 23-39

"Multivariate Linear Systems and Time Series Analysis". In: Adv. in Statistical Analysis and Statistical Computing 1, 1986, 51-85

"Identifiability and Causality in Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Systems". In: J.P. Florens (ed.): Asymptotic Theory for non i.i.d. Processes. Publications des Facultes Universitaires Saint Louis, Bruxelles, 1986, 145-154

"Linear Errors-in-Variables-Models". In: S. Bittanti (ed.): Stochastic Models and Linear Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1986, 37-67

with M. McAleer: "Some Recent Developments in Econometrics". In: S. Bittanti (ed.):Stochastic Models and Linear Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1986, 222-243

"Identification of Linear Dynamic Systems - A Survey of Some Recent Developments". In: IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information 3, 1986, 119-136

with O. Prohaska, E. Reschenhofer und R. Vollmer: "Proce-dure for Identification of Different Stages of EEG Background Activity and its Application to the Detection of Drug Effects". In: J. of Electroencephalography and Neurophysiology 64, 1986, 294-300

with M. Gevers: "Parametrization of Monic ARMA Systems". Proc. 25th IEEE-Conference Decision and Control, Athens, 1986, 524-526

"Identifikation von linearen dynamischen Systemen". In: W. Krelle (Hrsg.): Ökonomische Prognose, Entscheidungs- und Gleichge-wichtsmodelle. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, VCH Verlags-gesellschaft mbH., Weinheim, 1986, 272-285

with B.D.O. Anderson and M. Green: "Errors-in-Variables Identification: Linear Gaussian Stationary Results". Proc. of the 10th IFAC World Congress, München 1987

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Systems with Three Variables". Automatica, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1987, 611-616

with E. Reschenhofer und R. Vollmer: "Segmentation of the EEG by Minimization of the Total Gain in Information". Neuropsycho-biology 18, 1987, 155-159

"An Introduction to Linear Errors-in-Variables Models". In: W. Sendler (ed.): Contributions to Stochastics, in honour of the 75th birthday of Walther Eberl sen., Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1987, 28-32

with W. Fraissler, G. Petritsch und W. Scherrer: "Methoden zur Kurzfristprognose elektrischer Last", 1987, Mimeo

with W. Fraissler, G. Petritsch und W. Scherrer: "Ein Vergleich von Methoden zur Kurzfristprognose elektrischer Last". Archiv für Elektrotechnik 71, 1988, 389-397

with W. Ploberger: Comment on "ARMA Memory Index Modeling of Economic Time Series". Econometric Theory 4, 1988, 35-59

with M. Gevers: "Properties of the Parametrization of Monic ARMA Systems". Automatica, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1989, 87-95

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models: Some Structure Theory". Journal of Econometrics 41, 1989, 1-25

with L. Wang: "The Common Structure of Parametrizations for Linear Systems". Linear Algebra and its Applications 122/123/124, 1989, 921-941

"Linear System Identification - A Survey". In: J. Willems (ed.): From Data to Model.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, 1-25

"Symmetric Modeling in System Identification".In: H. Nijmeijer and J.M. Schumacher (eds.): Three Decades of Mathematical System Theory. A collection of surveys on the occasion of the 50th birthday of Jan C. Willems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989, 129-147

with W. Scherrer, M. Kopel und W. Reitgruber: "Solution Sets for Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models". Statistica Neerlandica 45, No 4, 1991, 391-404

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Identification of Dynamic Systems from Noisy Data: The Case m*=1". In: A.C. Antoulas (ed.): Mathematical System Theory. Festschrift in honour of R. E. Kalman on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, 423-436

Comment on "State-Space Modeling of Multiple Time Series" by M. Aoki and A. Havenner. Econometric Reviews, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1991, 61-65

with W. Scherrer: "Identification of Linear Systems from Noisy Data". In: Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 11-13 December 1991, Brighton, England, IEEE Control Systems Society, 1991, 1662-1667

"Identification of ARMA Systems". In: Cs. Banyasz and L. Keviczky (eds.): Identification and System Parameter Estimation 1991, IFAC Symposia Series, 1992, Number 3, vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 355-358

"Identification of Linear Systems". In: T.E. Duncan, B. Pasik-Duncan (eds.): Stochastic Theory and Adaptive Control, (Proceedings of a Workshop on Stochastic Theory ans Adaptive Control, Lawrence, Kansas, September 26-28, 1991), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 127-141

"A Survey on System Identification". In: Frank Hodnett (ed.): Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, August 27-31, 1991 Limerick, ECMI Vol. 8. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1992, 11-22

with W. Scherrer: "Identification of linear systems from noisy data". In: J. Geweke, P. Caines and M. Taqqu (eds.): New Directions in Time Series Analysis, Part II, vol. 46, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, (Proceedings of a Workshop on New Directions in Time Series Analysis, 1990, Minneapolis), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 21-42

"Die Umweltproblematik und die Paradigmen der Wirtschafts- wissenschaft". In: BM f. LF, Österr. Ges. f. Biotechnologie und Österr. Vereinigung für Agrarwissenschaftl. Forschung (Hrsg.): Neue Partnerschaften in der Marktwirtschaft oder ökologische Selbstzerstörung, Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift "Förderungs-dienst", Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1992, 73-78

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Identification of Dynamic Systems from Noisy Data: Single Factor Case". Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, (MCSS) Vol.6, No 1, 1993, 10-29

with W. Scherrer: "System Identification and Errors in the Variables". In: K. Haagen, D.J. Bartholomew and M. Deistler (eds.): Statistical Modelling and Latent Variables (Proceedings of the International Workshop, Statistical Modelling and Latent Variables, Trient, 1991), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993, 95-111

with K. Neusser: "Prognose uni- und multivariater Zeitreihen". In: Peter Mertens (Ed.): Prognoserechnung, 5. Aufl., Physika Verlag, Würzburg, 1993, 259-277

"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, IHS, und vielen Dank". In: B. Felderer (Hrsg.) : Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften zwischen Theorie und Praxis, 30 Jahre Institut für höhere Studien in Wien, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, 133-138

"Zum Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit". In: F. Moser (Hrsg.): "Regionale Konzepte auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaftsweise", TU-Graz, 1993, 139-146

with B.D.O. Anderson: " Solution Set Properties for Errors-in-Variables Problems". In: M. Blanke and T. Söderström (eds.): SYSID' 94 (10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification), Preprints, Vol. 3. ,1994, 165-170

with K. Peternell und W. Scherrer: "Consistency and Relative Eefficiency of Subspace Methods". In: M. Blanke und T. Söderström (eds.): SYSID' 94 (10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification)

"Zum Zustand der Ökonometrie: Einige Bemerkungen". In: H. Rinne, B. Rüger und H. Strecker (Hrsg.): Grundlagen der Statistik und ihre Anwendungen. Festschrift für Kurt Weichselberger, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995, 17-23

with K. Peternell und W. Scherrer: "Consistency and Relative Efficiency of Subspace Methods", Automatica, 31, No. 12, 1995, 1865-1875,

with B.D.O. Anderson, L. Farina and L. Benvenuti: "Nonnegative Realization of a Linear System With Nonnegative Impulse Response, IEEE Tr. CAS (Transactions on Circuits and Systems) 43, No 2, 1996, 1-8

with W. Scherrer: "Identification of Linear Systems from Noisy Data", In: S. Bittanti, G. Picci: "Identification, Adaption, Learning". NATO ASI Series. Series F. Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol.153, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 1996, 246-265

with B.D.O. Anderson und W. Scherrer: " Solution Set Properties for Static Errors-in-Variables Problems", Automatica, 32 (7), 1996, 1031-1035

with K. Peternell und W. Scherrer: "Statistical Analysis of Novel Subspace Identification Methods", Signal Processing, 1996, 161-177

with D. Bauer: "Balanced Parametrizations: A Structure Theory". In: P.M. Robinson und M. Rosenblatt (eds.): "Athens Conference on Applied Probability and Time Series, Volume II: Time Series Analysis in Memory of E.J. Hannan", New York: Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 115, 1996, 27-41

with S. Weiland and W. Scherrer: "On Continuity and Consistency of l-optimal Models, submitted for publicationin “Systems and Control Letters”, in revision 1999

"Time Series Econometrics", CWI Quarterly, 9, No. 3, 1996, 165-179

with C. Heij und W. Scherrer: "System Identification by Dynamic Factor Models", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 1997, Vol.35, No. 6, 1997, 1924-1951

with D. Bauer und W. Scherrer: "The Analysis of the Asymptotic Variance of Subspace Algorithms", Proceedings of SYSID 97, Fukuoka, Japan, 1997

with D. Bauer und W. Scherrer: "A Central Limit Theorem for Subspace Algorithms", Proceedings of ECC 97, Brussels, Belgium, 1997

with G. Bauer, A. Gleiß, E. Glenck, T. Matyus: „System Analysis of Material Flows“, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 4, No.2, 1997, 105-112

„Multivariate Linear Systems“, to appear in Lecture Notes of the ECAS-97 Summer School, 1997
„Identification of Linear Dynamic Multi Input - Multi - Output Systems“, to appear in Lecture Notes of the ECAS-97 Summer School, 1997

with C. Heij und W. Scherrer: "System Identification by Dynamic Factor Models", Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, 1997

with D. Bauer: „Balanced canonical forms for system identification“, Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego, 1997

with M. Wagner: „Comment on Cointegration Analysis“. In: C. Heij, H. Schumacher, B. Hanzon and K. Praagman (eds.): „System Dynamics in Economic and Financial Models“, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1997, 241-243

with W. Scherrer: "A Structure Theory for Linear Dynamic Errors in Variables Models", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 6, 1998, 2148-2175

with W. Schachermayer: "The set of observationally equivalent errors-in-variables models" Systems and Control Letters, 34, 1998, 101-104,

with M. Dörfler: “A Structure Theory for Identification of Recurrent Neural Nets, Part 1“, Proceedings of NoLCos (4th IFAC ‘Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium), 1998, 459-464

with A. Gleiß, T. Matyus, G. Bauer, E. Glenck und C. Lampert: „Identification of Material Flow Systems-Extensions and Case Study“, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1998, 245-258

with M. Wagner, E. Altan und H. Yildiz: Ökonomische und massenflußbasierte Verfahren zur Bewertung ökologischer Probleme, SUSTAIN Eigenverlag, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, TU. Graz, 1998

with D. Bauer und W. Scherrer: „Consistency and Asymptotic Normality of some Subspace Algorithms for Systems without Observed inputs“, Automatica, 35, 1999, 1243-1254

with D. Bauer: “Balanced Canonical Forms for System Identification“, IEEE Tr. AC (Transactions on Automatic Control), 1999, Vol. 44, 1118 - 1131

„Geschichte und Perspektiven der Ökonometrie“, RWI (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) – Mitteilungen, 50, 3, 1999,109-127

“Identification of Linear Systems: A General Framework for the Theory“, Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, 1999.

„Ökonometrie“, erschienen in: K. Acham (Hrsg.): Cognitio Humana, Passagenverlag, Wien, 2000, 177-203

with M. Wagner: On the Structure of Cointegration, In E. Dockner et al (eds): Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis, Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000, 368-374

“Linear Dynamic Multiinput/Multioutput Systems.” In: Pena, et.al. (eds.): Time Series Analysis, Chapter 16, John Wiley and Sons, New York 2000

with G. Bauer und W. Scherrer: „Time Series Models for Short Term Forecasting of Ozone in the Eastern Part of Austria“ to appear in Environmetrics, 2000

with D. Bauer und W. Scherrer: „On the Impact of Weighting Matrices in Subspace Algorithms”, IFAC SYSID 2000, Santa Barbara

with A. Gleiss und T. Matyus: „Linear Material Flow Models“, IFAC SYSID 2000, Santa Barbara

“The Wold Decomposition” to appear in Encyclopeadia of Mathematics, in supplement No. III

Discussion “Comments on the Contribution by C.W.J. Granger and J.J. Heckman” In Journal of Econometrics,Vol 100 2000

with D. Trummer “On the Identification of Recurrent Neural Nets”, CDC’2000, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2000

“System Identification – General Aspects and Structure” In G. Goodwin (ed.) “System Identification and Adaptive Control” (Festschrift for B.D.O. Anderson), Springer Verlag 2000

“The Role of Parametrizations in Identification of Linear Systems”, CDC’2000, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2000

with I. Käfer, W. Scherrer und M. Überwimmer “Predicition of Daily Power Demand”, Proceedings of the 3rd European IFS Workshop, 2000

with T. Ribarits “Parametrisation of Linear Systems by data driven local coordinates”, submitted to CDC 2001, Orlando, Florida, Dec. 2001

b) Book

with E.J. Hannan: "The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems". John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988, 380 Seiten

c) Lecture Notes

with B. Böhm: "Wirtschaft und Umwelt", (in German)( Economics of the Environment), 1991, 110 Seiten

with. W. Scherrer: "The Prague Lectures. Econometrics II". (Lectures given at CERGE Prague 1992), 132 Seiten

d) Project Reports

with R. Kögerler und E. Volk:"Identifikation von Hoffnungsgebieten angewandter technischer Forschung für Österreich", (in German) (Identifying the areas of applied technical research which are important for the Austrian economy), Studie im Auftrag des BM für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1991, 118 Seiten

with R. Kögerler: "Technologieforschung für Niederösterreich" (in German) (Technological research for Lower Austria), Studie im Auftrag der Wissenschaftlichen Landesakademie für Niederösterreich, 1993, 152 Seiten

with A. Schmidt, R. Kuras, B. Böhm u. W. Bauer: "CO2-/Energieabgabe und Technologische Innovationen" (in German) (CO2-/energy taxes and technological innovations), Studie im Auftrag des BM für Wissenschaft und Forschung und des BM für Jugend, Familie u. Umwelt, 1994, 204 Seiten

In der Arbeitsgruppe SUSTAIN: Endbericht des inter-disziplinären Forschungsprojektes "Forschungs- und Entwick-lungsbedarf für den Übergang zu einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaftsweise in Österreich", (in German) (The demand for R & D in transition to a sustainable economic development), im Auftrag d. Bund-Bundesländerkooperation, des BM f. Wissenschaft u. Forschung und des BM f. Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, Dezember 94, 155 Seiten

with A. Flatz und J. Hummel: "Betriebliche Umwelt-managementsysteme und Gestaltung des Öko-Audits in Österreich" (in German),(Management systems and the design of eco-auditing). Studie im Auftrag des BM für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten, 1995

with P. Burgholzer und Ch. Krotscheck: "Massenflußbasierte Kennzahlen zur Objektivierung des Öko-Audit" (in German) (Mass-flux based measures for eco-auditing), im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten, 1995

with I. Schmoranz, E. Rysavy, E. Altan und H. Yildiz: Entwicklung der Österreichischen Energiewirtschaft vor dem Hintergrund der Liberalisierung der europäischen Energiemärkte" (in German) (The Austrian Energy Sector), im Auftrag von Wien Strom, 1996

e) Selected Publications

with E.J. Hannan: "The Statistical Theory of Linear Systems". John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988, 380 Seiten (book)

with H.G. Seifert: "Identifiability and Consistent Estimability in Econometric Models". Econometrica 46, 1978, 969-980

"The Structural Identifiability of Linear Models with Auto-correlated Errors in the Case of Cross-Equation Restrictions". Journal of Econometrics 8, 1978, 23-31

with E.J. Hannan: "Some Properties of the Parametrization of ARMA Systems with Unknown Order". Journal of Multivariate Analysis 11, 1981, 474-484

"The Properties of the Parametrization of ARMAX Systems and Their Relevance for Structural Estimation and Dynamic Specification". Econometrica 51, 1983, 1187-1208

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Identifiability in Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models". Journal of Time Series Analysis 5, 1984, 1-13

with B.M. Pötscher: "The Behaviour of the Likelihood Function for ARMA Models". Adv. in Applied Probability 16, 1984, 843-865

"General Structure and Parametrization of ARMA and State Space Systems and its Relation to Statistical Problems". In: E.J. Hannan, P.R. Krishnaiah, M.M. Rao (eds.): Handbook of Statistics 5, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, 257-277

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Linear Dynamic Errors-in-Variables Models: Some Structure Theory". Journal of Econometrics 41, 1989, 1-25

with L. Wang: "The Common Structure of Parametrizations for Linear Systems". Linear Algebra and its Applications 122/123/124, 1989, 921-941

with W. Scherrer: "Identification of linear systems from noisy data". In: J. Geweke, P. Caines and M. Taqqu (eds.): New Directions in Time Series Analysis, Part II, vol. 46, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, (Proceedings of a Workshop on New Directions in Time Series Analysis, 1990, Minneapolis), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 21-42

with B.D.O. Anderson: "Identification of Dynamic Systems from Noisy Data: Single Factor Case". Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, (MCSS) Vol.6, No 1, 1993, 10-29

with K. Peternell und W. Scherrer: "Consistency and Relative efficiency of Subspace Methods". Automatica, 31, No. 12, 1995, 1865-1875

with B.D.O. Anderson, L. Farina and L. Benvenuti: "Nonnegative Realization of a Linear System With Nonnegative Impulse Response", IEEE Tr. CAS (Transactions on Circuits and Systems) 43, No 2, 1996, 1-8

with D. Bauer und W. Scherrer: „Consistency and Asymptotic Normality of some Algorithms for Systems without Observed inputs”, Automatica, 35, 1999, 1243-1254

with D. Bauer: „Balanced canonical forms for system identification“, in IEEE Tr. AC (Transactions on Automatic Control), 1999, Vol. 44, 1118 1131

with W. Scherrer: "A Structure Theory for Linear Dynamic Errors in Variables Models", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 6, 1998, 2148-2175

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