Prof. Dr. Marcel Paulssen
Professor - aktiv
HEC Geneva – Graduate School of Management
HEC Geneva – Graduate School of Management
Ort / PLZ
1211 Geneva 4
1211 Geneva 4
40 bd du Pont-d'Arve
40 bd du Pont-d'Arve
+41 22 379 89 40
+41 22 379 89 40
Temme, D, Paulssen, M., Hildebrandt, L. (2008), Common Method Bias- Arten, Ursachen Kontrollmöglichkeiten, Die Betriebswirtschaft, forthcoming
Paulssen, M., (2008), Attachment Styles in Business-to-Business Relationships, Psychology & Marketing, forthcoming
Temme, D., Paulssen, M., Dannewald, T. (2008), Latent variables in discrete choice models – A hierarchical model of travel mode choice, BuR – Business Research, 1(2), p. 220-237.
Paulssen, M., Birk, M., Bagozzi, R. P. (2007), When customers think differently: A Customer-side Categorization Approach to Strategic Groups, Marketing Journal of Research and Management, No. 2, p. 91–104.
Paulssen, M., Birk, M. (2007), Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in a Business-to-Business Setting: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Manufacturer, Company and Demographic Characteristics, Industrial Marketing Management, 36(7), p. 983-997 - Selected as one of the best papers at the 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference
Scholderer, J., Balderjan, I., Paulssen, M. (2006), Kausalität, Linearität, Reliabilität: Drei Dinge, die Sie nie über Strukturgleichungsmodelle wissen wollten, Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, p. 640-651.
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, R. P. (2006), Goal Hierarchies as Antecedents of Market Structure, Psychology & Marketing, 23(8), p. 689-709.
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, R. P. (2005), A Self-Regulatory Model of Consideration Set Formation, Psychology & Marketing, 22(10), p. 785-812.
Wagner, K., O’Mahoney, M., Paulssen, M. (1997), Standortfaktor: Humankapital in Deutschland und die Aufholjagd der britischen Industrie, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, S. 947 – 970.
Double-blind refereed Conference Proceedings
Sommerfeld, A., Paulssen, M. (2008), Antecedents and Consequences of Customer-Company Identification, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Brighton
Falkenreck, C., Wagner, R., Paulssen, M. (2008), Antecedents of Company Reputation Transfer in B2B Markets: Empirical Evidence from Five Different Cultures, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Brighton.
Paulssen, M., Wilke, S. (2008), Social bonding in consumer relationships under different levels of perceived risk, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Brighton
Quint, D., Paulssen, M. (2008), Heterogeneity in the Satisfaction-Retention Relationship – A Finite Mixture Approach, In Preisach, C., Burkhardt, H., Schmidt-Thieme, L., & Decker, R. (Eds.), Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications – Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (pp. 463-471). Heidelberg: Springer.
Paulssen, M., Sommerfeld, A. (2008), Are Critical Incidents Really Critical for a Consumer Relationship? – A MIMIC-Approach, In Preisach, C., Burkhardt, H., Schmidt-Thieme, L., & Decker, R. (Eds.), Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications – Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (pp. 471-479). Heidelberg: Springer.
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, Richard P. (2007), Customer Coping to Relationship Transgressions: An Attachment Theoretic Approach, Proceedings of the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Santa Monica, USA, New Frontiers in Branding: Attitudes, Attachment, and Relationships
Birk, M., Ivens, B., Paulssen M. (2007), Examining the Role of Norms in Consumer-Brand Relationships: The Applicability of Macneil's Relational Exchange Theory, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World
Paulssen, M., Birk M. (2007), Moderators of the Satisfaction Retention Link in a B-to-B Setting, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World
Temme, D., Dannewald, T., Paulssen, M. (2007), Hybrid Choice Models – Estimation Using Canned SEM Software, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World
Paulssen, M., Sommerfeld, A. (2007), Which critical incidents are really critical for consumer relationships?, Proceedings of the 35th EMAC-Conference Reykjavik Island, Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World
Paulssen, M., Birk, M. (2006), Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in a Business to Busines Setting: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Manufacturer, Company and Demographic Characteristics, Proceedings of the 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference
Paulssen, M., Sommerfeld, A. (2006), Multiple Moderators of the Trust – Loyalty Relationship in Business-to-Business Relationships, Proceedings of the 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference
Paulssen, M. (2006), Attachment Styles in Business-to-Business Relationships, Proceedings of the 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference
Sommerfeld, A., Paulssen, M., Birk, M. (2006), Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships” Proceedings of the 35th EMAC, Sustainable Marketing Leadership
Paulssen, M. (2006), Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships: A Longitudinal Study, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business Market Management
Paulssen, M. (2006), Attachment Styles in Business-to-Business Relationships, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business Market Management
Paulssen, M., Birk, M. (2006), Moderators of the Satisfaction Retention Link in a B-to-B Setting, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Business Market Management
Paulssen, M., Sommerfeld, A. (2006). Modeling the Nonlinear Relationship between Satisfaction and Loyalty with Structural Equation Models. In Spiliopoulou, M., Kruse, R., Borgelt, C., Nürnberger, A. & Gaul, W. (Eds.), From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering – Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization (pp. 574-581). Heidelberg: Springer.
Paulssen, M., Fournier, S., (2005), Individual Differences in Consumer Relationships - an Attachment Perspective, Proceedings of the 34th EMAC, Rejuvenating Marketing: Contamination, Innovation, Integration
Paulssen, M. (2004), Applying Attachment Theory to Business-to-Business Relationships, Proceedings of the 33th EMAC, Worldwide Marketing
Paulssen, M., (1999), Individual Goal Hierarchies as Antecedents of Market Structure, Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
Book Chapters, Working Papers, Non-Refereed Journals
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, R. P. (2008), Customer Coping in Response to Relationship Transgressions:An Attachment Theoretic Approach, In: Macinnis, D. J., Park, C. W., Priester, J. W. (eds.), Handbook of Brand Relationships, forthcoming
Paulssen, M., Fournier, S. (2007), Attachment Security and the Strength of Commercial Relationships: A Longitudinal Study, Discussion Paper No. 50, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, R. P. (2007), Customer Coping in Response to Relationship Transgressions: An Attachment Theoretic Approach, Discussion Paper No. 49, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M., Birk, M. (2007), Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in a Business-to-Business Setting: Investigating the Moderating Effect of Manufacturer, Company and Demographic Characteristics, Discussion Paper No. 48, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M. (2006), Antezendenzen und Konsequenzen ökonomischer Zufriedenheit und emotionaler Nähe in Geschäftsbeziehungen, in: Bauer/Neumann/Schüle (Hrsg.), Konsumentenvertrauen: Konzepte und Anwendungen für ein nachhaltiges Kundenbindungsmanagement, München: Verlag Vahlen, in Druck
Paulssen, M., Fournier, S. (2005), Konsumentenheterogenität im Beziehungsmarketing - Ein Bindungstheoretischer Ansatz, in: SCHADE, C., POSSELT, T. (Hrsg.), Quantitative Marketingforschung in Deutschland – Festschrift für Klaus Peter Kaas zum 65. Geburtstag, S. 197-221
Paulssen, M., Fournier, S. (2005), Understanding Consumer Heterogeneity in Relationship Marketing Response: An Attachment Theoretic Perspective, Discussion Paper No. 44, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M., Bagozzi, R. P., Birk, M. (2005), Consideration Sets as Goal-Derived Categories: An Application to Market Structuring, Discussion Paper No. 44, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M. (2004), Attachment Styles in Business-to-Business Relationships, Discussion Paper No. 39, Department of Business and Economics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M. (2004), Embedded Business-to-Business Relationships, Discussion Paper No. 38, Department of Business and Eonomics, Humboldt University Berlin
Paulssen, M., Trommsdorff, V. (1999), Messung und Gestaltung der Markenpositionierung, In: ESCH, F. R. (Hrsg.), Moderne Markenführung, Wiesbaden: Gabler, S. 1047-1066
Christians, U., Paulssen, M., Trommsdorff, V. (1998), Die Methodik der Wettbewerbs-Image-Struktur-Analyse (WISA), Die Bank – Zeitschrift für Bankpolitik und Bankpraxis, S. 252 – 258
O’Mahoney, M., Wagner, K., Paulssen, M. (1994), Changing fortunes: An industry study of British and German productivity growth over three decades, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Report No. 7, London
O’Mahoney, M., Wagner, K., Paulssen, M. (1994), Changing Fortunes: An Industry Study of British and German Productivity Growth over three Decades, WZB Social Science Research Center, Discussion Paper FSI Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.