Prof. Ph. D. Horst Raff

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Ort / PLZ
24098 Kiel
Olshausenstrasse 40
+49 431 880-1528
+49 431 880-3282
+49 431 880-3150


Publications in Refereed Journals

Buyer power in international markets, Journal of International Economics, forthcoming, Kiel Working Paper 1431 (with Nicolas Schmitt).

Whole versus shared ownership of foreign affiliates, International Journal of Industrial Organization 27 (2009) 572-581, Kiel Working Paper 1433 (with Michael Ryan and Frank Stähler).

The choice of market entry mode: Greenfield investment, M&A and joint venture, International Review of Economics and Finance 18 (2009), 3-10, Kiel Economics Working Paper 2007-19 (with Michael Ryan and Frank Stähler).

Firm-specific characteristics and the timing of foreign direct investment projects, Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 144 (2008), 1-31. CESifo Working Paper No. 1874 (with Michael Ryan).

Foreign direct investment in producer services: Theory and empirical evidence, Applied Economics Quarterly 53 (2007), 299-321. CESifo Working Paper No. 598 (with Marc von der Ruhr).

Why parallel trade may raise producers’ profits, Journal of International Economics 71 (2007), 434-447 (with Nicolas Schmitt).

Exclusive dealing and common agency in international markets, Journal of International Economics 68 (2006), 485-503 (with Nicolas Schmitt).

Endogenous vertical restraints in international trade, European Economic Review 49 (2005), 1877-1889 (with Nicolas Schmitt).

Inter- and intra-sectoral linkages in foreign direct investment: Evidence from Japanese investment in Europe, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 19 (2005), 110-134 (with Dominique Gross and Michael Ryan).

Preferential trade agreements and tax competition for foreign direct investment, Journal of Public Economics 88 (2004), 2745-2763.

Preferential trade liberalization under Cournot competition, Review of International Economics 9 (2001) 455-461.

Cumbersome coordination in repeated games, International Journal of Game Theory 29 (2000) 101-111 (with David Schmidt).

Optimal export policy in the presence of informational barriers to entry and imperfect competition, Journal of International Economics 49 (1999) 99-123 (with Young-Han Kim).

Tax incentives for import-substituting foreign investment: Does signalling play a role? Journal of Public Economics, 67 (1998) 167-193 (with Krishna Srinivasan).

A theory of trade concessions, Journal of International Economics 42 (1997) 483-504 (with Mehmet Baç).

Income redistribution with well-informed regional governments, International Tax and Public Finance 4 (1997), 407-428 (with John D. Wilson).

Should the power to redistribute income be (de-)centralized? An example, International Tax and Public Finance 4 (1997), 453-462 (with Eckhard Janeba).

Should the power to redistribute income be (de-)centralized? An example, International Tax and Public Finance 4 (1997), 453-462 (with Eckhard Janeba).

Incentive-compatible regulation of foreign-owned subsidiaries: A tax simulation for the Jamaican bauxite industry, Journal of Development Economics 45 (1994) 339-364.

A model of expropriation with asymmetric information, Journal of International Economics 33 (1992), 245-265.

Other Publications

Mergers and Acquisitions, in: Ramkishen S. Rajan and Kenneth A. Reinert, eds., Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, Princeton University Press, 2008.

Joint Ventures, in: Ramkishen S. Rajan and Kenneth A. Reinert, eds., Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, Princeton University Press, 2008.

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