Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Michael Fritsch

Professor - aktiv

Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Innovation und wirtschaftlicher Wandel
New business formation processes and their impact on economic development
Innovation systems and innovation behavior
Economic development strategies
Markets and market failure
Ort / PLZ
07743 Jena
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3

Weitere Positionen und Funktionen

Seit 2001
Forschungsprofessor am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) Berlin

Seit 2001
Mitglied des Editorial Board von Small Business Economics – An Entrepreneurship Journal

Seit 2004
Forschungsprofessor am Max-Planck-Institute für Ökonomik, Jena




Boschma, Ron and Michael Fritsch: Creative Class and Regional Growth - Empirical Evidence from Seven European Countries, Economic Geography 85 (2009), 391 - 423.

Falck, Oliver, Michael Fritsch and Stephan Heblich: Bohemians and Regional Economic Growth, Jena Economic Research Papers # 049 – 2009.

Freytag, Andreas and Florian Noseleit: Entrepreneurs' Acceptance of Formal Institutions: A Cross-country Analysis, Jena Economic Research Papers 2009-047.

Fritsch, Michael: Keywords “Hazard Rate”, “Hold up”, “Konjunktur”, “Liability of adolescence”, “Liability of aging”, “Liability of newness”, “Liability of smallness”, “Marktversagen”, “Mittelstand”, “Mittelstandspolitik”, “MonopolsteIlung”, “Ordnungspolitik”, “Prinzipal Agenten-Theorie”, “Risikokapital”, “Spillover”, „Stabilitätspolitik“, “Tacit Knowledge”, “Technologisches Regime”, “Wissen” in: Tobias Kollmann (ed.): Gabler Kompakt-Lexikon Unternehmensgründung, 2nd revised and enlarged edition, Wiesbaden 2009: Gabler.

Fritsch, Michael: Was können Hochschulen zur regionalen Entwicklung beitragen? Die Hochschule, C 18 (1) (2009), 39-52.

Fritsch, Michael: Wissenstransfer und Innovation im regionalen Kontext, in: Joachim Kujath and Jörn Krupa (eds.): Fachhochschulen als regionales Potential - zur Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in der Metropolregion Berlin-Brandenburg, Erkner: Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung e.V., 9 - 20.

Fritsch, Michael, Arnulf Erbe, Florian Noseleit und Alexandra Schröter: Innovationspotenziale in Thüringen - Stand und Perspektiven, Erfurt 2009: Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen (STIFT).

Fritsch, Michael and Stefan Krabel: Ready to Leave the Ivory Tower? – Academic Scientists’ Appeal to Work in the Private Sector, Jena Economic Research Papers # 063 – 2009.

Fritsch, Michael and Florian Noseleit: Investigating the Anatomy of the Employment Effects of New Business Formation, Jena Economic Research Papers # 001 – 2009.

Fritsch, Michael and Florian Noseleit: Start-ups, Long- and Short-Term Survivors and their Effect on Regional Employment Growth, Jena Economic Research Papers # 081 - 2009.

Fritsch, Michael and Alexandra Schroeter: Are More Start-Ups Really Better? Quantity and Quality of New Businesses and Their Effect on Regional Development, Jena Economic Research Papers # 070 – 2009.

Fritsch, Michael and Michael Stützer: The Geography of Creative People in Germany, International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 5, 7-23.

Schröter, Alexandra: New Rationales for Innovation Policy? A Comparison of the Systems of Innovation Policy Approach and the Neoclassical Perspective, Jena Economic Research Papers 033-2009, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.

Schroeter, Alexandra: The Effect of New Business Formation on Employment - The Dominance of Density, Jena Economic Research Papers # 019 - 2009.

Wyrwich, Michael: Socioeconomic heritage and rapid firm growth, Jena Economic Research Papers # 092 - 2009.


Andersson, Martin and Florian Noseleit: Start-Ups and Employment Growth - evidence from Sweden, CESIS Working Paper Series in Economics and Institutions of Innovation 155.

Badunenko, Oleg, Michael Fritsch and Andreas Stephan: Allocative Efficiency Measurement Revisited - Do We Really Need Input Prices?, Economic Modelling (1093-1109).

Badunenko, Oleg, Michael Fritsch and Andreas Stephan: What drives the productive efficiency of a firm?: the importance of industry, location, R&D, and size, Working Paper 775, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).

Falck, Oliver, Michael Fritsch and Stephan Heblich: The Apple Doesn´t Fall Far From the Tree: Location of Start-Ups Relative to Incumbents, Jena Economic Research Papers # 082 - 2008.

Fritsch, Michael: Die Arbeitsplatzeffekte von Gründungen - Ein Überblick über den Stand der Forschung, Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 41. Jg. (2008), 55-69.

Fritsch, Michael: How does New Business Formation Affect Regional Development? Introduction to the Special Issue, Small Business Economics, 30, 1-14.

Fritsch, Michael (Guest Editor), Special Issue "The Effects of New Businesses on Economic Development", Small Business Economics, Vol. 30 (2008), No.1.

Fritsch, Michael, Tobias Henning, Viktor Slavtchev and Norbert Steigenberger: Hochschulen als regionaler Wachstumsmotor ? Innovationstransfer aus Hochschulen und seine Bedeutung für die regionale Entwicklung, Düsseldorf 2008: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Arbeitspapier 158).

Fritsch, Michael and Pamela Mueller: The Effect of New Business Formation on Regional Development over Time: The Case of Germany, Small Business Economics, 30, 15-29.

Fritsch, Michael and Florian Noseleit: Start-ups, New Business Employment and the Effects on Incumbents: Who Contributes the Larger Share? Jena Economic Research Papers # 068 - 2008.

Fritsch, Michael, Florian Noseleit and Yvonne Schindele: Direct and indirect effects of new businesses on regional employment - An empirical analysis, Jena Economic Research Papers # 074 - 2008.

Fritsch, Michael and Dirk Schilder: Does Venture Capital Investment really require Spatial Proximity? An Empirical Investigation, Environment and Planning A, 40, 2114-2131.

Fritsch, Michael and Yvonne Schindele: The Contribution of New Businesses to Regional Employment – An Empirical Analysis of the Direct Employment Effects, Jena Economic Research Papers # 077– 2008.

Fritsch, Michael and Viktor Slavtchev: Industry Specialization, Diversity and the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems, in: Cees van Beers, Alfred Kleinknecht, Roland Ortt and Robert Verburg (eds.), Determinants of Innovative Behaviour: A Firm´s Internal Practices and its External Environment, Basingstoke 2008: Palgrave-MacMilla, 272-293.

Günther, Jutta, Michael Fritsch, Claus Michelsen, Florian Noseleit, Francois Pegelow, Alexandra Schröter and Mirko Titze: Evaluierung der FuE-Projektförderung des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Halle 2008: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH), Sonderheft 3/2008.

Kauffeld-Monz, Martina and Michael Fritsch: Who are the brokers of knowledge in regional systems of innovation? A multi-actor network analysis, Jena Economic Research Papers # 089 - 2008.

Nedelkoska, Ljubica and Florian Noseleit: Industry Dynamics and Highly Qualified Labor Mobility, Jena Economic Research Papers 2008-095.

Noseleit, Florian: The Entrepreneurial Culture: Guiding Principles of the Self-Employed, Jena Economic Research Papers 2008-034.

Schindele, Yvonne and Antje Weyh: The Direct Employment Effects of New Businesses in Germany Revisited - An Empirical Investigation for 1976 - 2004, Jena Economic Research Papers #076 - 2008.

Wyrwich, Michael and Ina Krause: Systemumbruch und Beschäftigungsentwicklung: Wirken die Spuren der Vergangenheit langfristig nach? - Eine empirische
Untersuchung mit Daten des SFB 580-B2 Betriebspanels, SFB 580 Arbeitspapiers 016, Jena.


Boschma, Ron and Michael Fritsch: Creative Class and Regional Growth - Empirical Evidence from Eight European Countries, September 2007, Jena Economic Research Papers # 066-2007.

Boschma, Ron and Michael Fritsch: Creative Class and Regional Growth in Europe , forthcoming in: Patrycja Jakubowska, Antoni Kuklinski and Piotr Zuber (eds.), The Future of European Regions, Warsaw 2007 : Ministry of Regional Development, 243-253.

Fritsch, Michael: Gründungen und Beschäftigungsentwicklung - Neue Erkenntnisse zu einer alten Frage und Implikationen für die Politik, in: Joachim Merz, Reinhard Schulte und Joachim Wagner (eds.): Fortschritte der Mittelstandsforschung, Münster 2007: LIT, 1-13.

Fritsch, Michael: The Geography and the Effect of Creative People in Germany, March 2007, Jena Economic Research Papers # 001 – 2007.

Fritsch, Michael and Oliver Falck: New Business Formation by Industry over Space and Time: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis, Regional Studies, 41 (2007), 157-172.

Fritsch, Michael, Tobias Henning, Viktor Slavtchev und Norbert Steigenberger: Hochschulen, Innovation, Region - Wissenstransfer im räumlichen Kontext, Berlin: edition sigma, 2007.

Fritsch, Michael and Pamela Mueller: The Persistence of Regional New Business Formation-Activity over Time – Assessing the Potential of Policy Promotion Programs, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 17 (2007), 299-315.

Fritsch, Michael and Dirk Schilder: Is there a regional equity gap for innovative start-ups? The case of Germany , in: Michael Dowling and Jürgen Schmude (eds.): Entrepreneurship in Europe: New Perspectives, Cheltenham 2007: Elgar, 200-213.

Fritsch, Michael and Alexandra Schroeter: Why Does the Effect of New Business Formation Differ Across Regions? November 2007, Jena Economic Research Papers 077-2007.

Fritsch, Michael and Viktor Slavtchev: Industry Specialization, Diversity and the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems, June 2007, Jena Economic Research Papers # 018 – 2007.

Fritsch, Michael and Viktor Slavtchev: Universities and Innovation in Space, Industry and Innovation, 14 (2007), 201-218.

Fritsch, Michael and Viktor Slavtchev: What Determines the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems? An Empiricial Investigation, April 2007, Jena Economic Research Papers # 006-2007.

Fritsch, Michael and Andreas Stephan: Die Heterogenität der Effizienz innerhalb von Branchen - Eine Auswertung von Unternehmensdaten der Kostenstrukturerhebung im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 3/2007, 59-75.

Fritsch, Michael and Michael Stützer: Die Geografie der Kreativen Klasse in Deutschland, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 65 (2007), 15-29.

Fritsch, Michael and Michael Stützer: Die Kreative Klasse in Deutschland, thinktank, 2 (6), Herbst 2007, 6-9.

Fritsch, Michael, Thomas Wein und Hans-Juergen Ewers: Marktversagen und Wirtschaftspolitik - Mikroökonomische Grundlagen staatlichen Handelns, 7., aktualisierte und ergänzte Auflage, München 2007: Vahlen.

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