Prof. Dr. Michael Funke
Professor - aktiv
Position / Amtsbezeichnung
Geschäftsführender Direktor
Geschäftsführender Direktor
Universität Hamburg
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften | FB VWL
Institut für Wirtschaftssysteme, Wirtschafts- und Theoriegeschichte
Institut für Wirtschaftssysteme, Wirtschafts- und Theoriegeschichte
Makroökonomie und Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik
Makroökonomie und Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik
Ort / PLZ
20146 Hamburg
20146 Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5
Von-Melle-Park 5
Funke, M. (1985) Wachstumszyklen und funktionale Einkommensverteilung: Eine theoretische und
empirische Analyse, Volkswirtschaftliche Forschnung und Entwicklung, Florentz Verlag, München.
Funke, M. (ed.)(1989) Factors in Business Investment, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/ New
Funke, M. (1992) Tobin's Q und die Investitionsentwicklung in den Wirtschaftszweigen des
Unternehmenssektors in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, Heft 418,
Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
Richter, M., Leibfritz, W. and Funke, M. (1994) Die Effizienz der finanzpolitischen Fördermaßnahmen
in den neuen Bundesländern, Ifo-Studien zur Finanzpolitik Nr. 53, München.
Funke, M., Maurer, W. and Strulik, H. (1999) "Capital Structure and Labour Demand: Investiga-tions Using German Micro Data", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 61, 199-215.
Funke, M., Hall, S. and Ruhwedel, R. (1999) "Shock-Hunting: The Relative Importance of In-dustry-Specific, Region-Specific and Aggregate Schocks in the OECD Countries", The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies (MMF Conference Supplement) 67, 49-65.
Funke, M. and Strulik, H. (1999) "Regional Growth in West Germany: Convergence or Diver-gence?", Economic Modelling 16, 489-502.
Funke, M. and Strulik, H. (2000) "On Endogenous Growth with Physical Capital, Human Capital and Product Variety", European Economic Review 44, 491-515.
Funke, M. and Strulik, H. (2000) "Growth and Convergence in a Two-Region Model of Unified Germany", German Economic Review 1, 363-384.
Funke, M. (2001) "Money Demand in Euroland", Journal of International Money and Finance 20, 701-713.
Funke, M. and Ruhwedel, R. (2001) "Product Variety and Economic Growth – Empirical Evidence for the OECD Countries", IMF Staff Papers 48, 224-242.
Cabos, K. and Funke, M./Siegfried, N.A. (2001) „Some Thoughts on Monetary Targeting vs. Inflation Targeting“, German Economic Review 2, 219-238.
Funke, M. and Ruhwedel, R. (2001) „Export Variety and Export Performance: Empirical Evidence From East Asia“, Journal of Asian Economics 12, 493-505.
FitzRoy, F., Funke, M. and Nolan, M. (2002) „Working Time, Taxation and Unemployment in General Equilibrium“, European Journal of Political Economy 18, 333-344.
Funke, M. and Rahn, J. (2002) „How Efficient is the East German Economy? An Exploration with Micro Data“, The Economics of Transition 10, 201-223.
Funke, M. and Ruhwedel, R. (2002) „Export Variety and Export Performance: Empirical Evidence for the OECD Countries“, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 138, 97-114.
Funke, M. (2003) „Determining the Taxation and Investment Impacts of Estonia´s 2000 Income Tax Reform“, Finnish Economic Papers 15, 102-109.
Funke, M. and Bandholz, H. (2003) „In Search of Leading Indicators of Economic Activity in Germany“, Journal of Forecasting 22, 277-297.
Chen, Y.-F. and Funke, M. (2004) „Working Time and Employment Under Uncertainty“, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 8, Issue 3, Article 5, (
Funke, M. and Niebuhr, A. (2005) “Regional Geographic R&D Spillovers and Economic Growth-Evidence from West Germany”, Regional Studies 39, 143-154.
Funke, M. and Niebuhr, A. (2005) “Threshold Effects and Regional Economic Growth – Evidence from West Germany”, Economic Modelling 22, 61-80.
Funke, M. and Ruhwedel, R. (2005) „Export Variety and Economic Growth in Eastern European Transition Economies“, The Economics of Transition 13, 25-50.
Funke, M. and Rahn, J. (2005) “Just How Undervalued is the Chinese Renminbi?”, The World Economy 28, 465-489.
Funke, M. and Strulik, H. (2005) „Growth and Convergence in a Two-Region Model: The Hypothetical Case of Korean Unification”, Journal of Asian Economics 16, 255-279, for a review of the article in The Economist (“Parallel Economies: What the North and South Koreans can learn from the reunification of Germany”, 29 December 2010), see
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2005) “Non-Wage Labour Costs, Policy Uncertainty and Labour Demand – A Theoretical Assessment”, The Scottish Journal of Political Economy 52, 687-709.
Funke, M. (2005) “Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply in West Germany and the United Kingdom”, Applied Economics Quarterly 51, 191-201.
Funke, M. (2006) “Inflation in China – Modelling a Roller Coaster Ride”, Pacific Economic Review 11, 413-430.
Funke, M. and Strulik, H. (2006) “Taxation, Growth and Welfare: Dynamic Effects of Estonia´s 2000 Income Tax Act”, Finnish Economic Papers 19, 25-38.
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2008) “Product Market Competition, Investment and Employment-Abundant versus Job-Poor Growth: A Real Options Perspective”, European Journal of Political Economy 24, 218-238.
Funke, M., Ruhwedel, R. (2008) “Trade, Product Variety, and Welfare: A Quantitative Assessment For Mainland China”, China Economic Journal 1, 203-212.
Colavecchio, R., Funke, M. (2008) “Volatility Transmissions Between Renminbi and Asia-Pacific On-Shore and Off-Shore U.S. Dollar Futures”, China Economic Review 19, 635-648.
Funke, M. and M. Gronwald (2008) “The Undisclosed Renminbi Basket: Are the Markets Telling Us Something about Where the Renminbi - US Dollar Exchange Rate is Going?, The World Economy 31, 1581-1598.
Colavecchio, R. and M. Funke (2009) “Volatility Dependence Across Asia-Pacific Onshore and Offshore Currency Forwards Markets”, Journal of Asian Economics 20, 174-196.
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2009) “China´s New Labour Contract Law: No Harm to Employment?”, China Economic Review 20, 558-572.
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2009) “Threshold Effects of Dismissal Protection Regulation and the Emergence of Temporary Work Agencies”, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 13, Issue 4, Article 3 (
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2010) “Booms, Recessions and Financial Turmoil: A Fresh Look at Investment Decisions Under Cyclical Uncertainty”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 57, 290-317.
Colavecchio, R., Curran, D. and M. Funke (2011) “Drifting Together or Falling Apart? The Empirics of Regional Economic Growth in Post-Unification Germany“, Applied Economics 43, 1087–1098.
Chen, Y.-F. and M. Funke (2011) “Institutional Uncertainty, Economic Integration, and Vertical Foreign Direct Investment Decisions”, Open Economies Review 22, 593-612.
Funke, M. und M. Paetz (2011) “Environmental Policy Under Model Uncertainty: A Robust Optimal Control Approach”, Climatic Change 107, 225-239.
Funke, M., Paetz, M. und Pytlarczyk, E. (2011) “Stock Market Wealth Effects in an Estimated DSGE Model for Hong Kong”, Economic Modelling 28, 316-334. The DSGE paper is available for replication in Volker Wieland´s Macroeconomic Model Data Base that provides various tools for systematic model comparison (
Funke, M. und H. Yu (2011) “The Emergence and Spatial Distribution of Chinese Seaport Cities”, China Economic Review 22, 196–209. Nutzungshinweise: Jede natürliche Person darf sich nur mit einer E-Mail Adresse bei WiWi-Online registrieren lassen. Die Nutzung der Daten die WiWi-Online bereitstellt ist nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt - eine gewerbliche Nutzung ist verboten. Eine automatisierte Nutzung von WiWi-Online und dessen Inhalte, z.B. durch Offline-Browser, Download-Manager oder Webseiten etc. ist ausdrücklich strengstens untersagt. Zuwiderhandlungen werden straf- und zivilrechtlich verfolgt.