no carbon required
Not available
negative acknowledge
National Association of Securities Dealers
National Association of Securities Dealers
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Bureau of Economic Research
numerical control
nondestructive read
National Futures Association
Neues Gemeinschaftsinstrumenz
non-governmental organization (Nichtregierungsorganisation)
Newly Industrialized Country
national insurance contributions
Note Issuance Facility
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
National Labor Relations Board
net national income
net national product
net reproduction rate
net operating loss
net operating-loss carryover
Negotiable Orders of Withdrawal
Brüsseler Zolltarifschema
nontariff barrier
nonvessel operator
New York Cotton Exchange
New York Cocoa,Sugar,Coffee Exchange
New York Futures Exchange
New York Mercantile Exchange
New York Stock Exchange