ESMT BerlinBusiness Schools

ESMT Berlin


Contact person
ESMT Berlin
Schlossplatz 1
10178 Berlin, Germany
ESMT Berlin, situated in the heart of Germany's capital, is a private, international business school founded by 25 multinational corporations. The school’s expertise focuses on the development of responsible leaders with a global focus on innovative management, analytics, and technology. ESMT is one of the top-ranked business schools in Germany with a global network of alumni in over 40 countries.

In addition to executive education, ESMT offers seven degree programs: three Masters and four MBA programs.

The ESMT Berlin Master programs are designed to offer you the ultimate combination of specializations, educational rigor, and entrepreneurial expertise. The revamped Master in Global Management is joined by the new Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship and the Master in Analytics & Artificial Intelligence to help you start, analyze, and change business for good.

bild-rechts Since deciding to pursue an MBA can be a difficult decision, at ESMT we also provide you with a range of MBA programs tailored to fit any stage of your career. In addition to our Full-Time MBA, which offers a fully immersive experience, you can choose between a blended, 75% online 25% in-person Part-Time MBA, with a focus on business innovation, a modular Executive MBA, designed to develop senior leaders or our newest MBA program, a 100% online Global Online MBA, allowing you to study at your own pace.

All ESMT programs benefit from close relationships with ESMT's corporate network and founders, as well as its proximity to the booming entrepreneurial environment in Berlin. As the most international business school in Germany, over 80% of ESMT’s faculty members have a non-German background. With 40 faculty members at the school, they r
epresent 17 different countries.


ESMT is among the top 1% of business schools world-wide to hold the accreditation “Triple Crown.” ESMT is accredited by AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS. The “Triple Crown” is the highest distinction of quality for business schools worldwide.

ESMT has been accredited by FIBAA, the Foundation for International Business Accreditation Administration, since 2006.

The German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) renewed its accreditation of ESMT Berlin to grant PhDs in October 2018. ESMT was first awarded this right in 2013.

Study programs

Executive MBA

The ESMT Executive MBA can help you realize your fullest potential – and drive your career to the next level. At ESMT, we realize that both intellectual and behavioral qualities affect your prospects for success. The EMBA curriculum integrates academic training with an Individual Leadership Development Itinerary, peer-to-peer and individual coaching, applied and evidence-based learning. All combine to give high-potential executives the knowledge and experience necessary to grow an organization with the sensitivity needed to manage and develop people effectively.


Full-time MBA

The ESMT Berlin MBA is a great way to accelerate or switch your career. Choice is at the heart of the MBA with multiple opportunities to tailor the program to meet your needs. In an intense 15 months, you will gain the skills and experience necessary to change your future in Europe or beyond.


Global Online MBA

The ESMT Berlin Global Online MBA is designed to teach you everything that a modern decision-maker needs to be a successful leader. Technology and innovation are at the core of this highly flexible program that leads to a globally-recognized, triple-accredited ESMT Berlin MBA.


Part-time MBA

The ESMT Berlin Part-time MBA in Business Innovation is an ideal way to continue working full-time while gaining the knowledge and competencies to support not only your personal development but also the growth and transformation of your company.

The program targets individuals with a minimum of three years’ professional experience who wish to be effective change agents in their organization. Whether you are part of a mature corporation needing to stimulate disruptive innovation or a startup looking to scale up, this program could be the next step in your career.


AI at Scale - Executive Education

Many organizations initiate AI transformations with high expectations, only to encounter slow progress and limited impact. The "AI at Scale" program addresses these common challenges by equipping middle and senior managers with the tools to effectively develop their organization’s ambition, technology, people, and processes in a balanced manner. This course provides a comprehensive framework to transform your AI initiatives from ideas into scalable, impactful solutions. Gain the insights and skills necessary to drive successful AI transformations and achieve substantial business outcomes.


AI for Managers - Executive Education

AI is reshaping the world of business and opening up new horizons for value creation. As AI applications become more integrated into our everyday lives, there are ever increasing opportunities to enhance existing products, processes and services or create entirely new ones.


An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business - Executive Education

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an idea, testing it in the market, and iteratively developing the idea to improve it.


Data Analytics - Executive Education

A successful business is a data-driven business. We are all aware of the power of analytics to drive growth and outperform competitors, but for many of us, leveraging data to make more effective decisions remains a key challenge.

This program will help you to dive deeper into your data, identify valuable insights and design new strategies around them.


Design Thinking und Unternehmenswandel - Executive Education

Design Thinking ist eine der weltweit populärsten Methoden, eine dynamische, kundenzentrierte und zielorientierte Innovationskultur im Unternehmen zu etablieren - gleichermaßen bei Start-ups, KMUs sowie Großkonzernen. Mit den Methoden des Design-Thinking-Ansatzes können Ideen innerhalb der gesamten unternehmerischen Wertschöpfungskette verbessert werden, von interner Prozessoptimierung und Digitalisierung bis hin zum Kundenkontakt in den Bereichen B2B und B2C.


Leading Digital Transformation - Executive Education

Adopting disruptive digital technologies at your organization may represent a lucrative opportunity or a simple necessity to stay competitive. Whether this is a fundamental change in your business model or just a suite of new tools to improve productivity, the implementation process requires a specific set of skills and competencies to ensure success. Leading Digital Transformation is designed to prime you for these challenges.


Finance for Executives - Executive Education

Finance for Executives is a hands-on program designed to boost your financial literacy. It aims to develop your ability to move beyond buzzwords and financial jargon, understand the bigger picture and make more effective financial decisions.


Finanzen für Executives - Executive Education

Dieses Seminar hilft erfahrenen Führungskräften ohne Finanzhintergrund, den Zusammenhang zwischen Managemententscheidungen und finanzieller Performance des Unternehmens besser zu verstehen und erfolgreich im beruflichen Alltag anzuwenden.


AI at Scale - Executive Education

Many organizations initiate AI transformations with high expectations, only to encounter slow progress and limited impact. The "AI at Scale" program addresses these common challenges by equipping middle and senior managers with the tools to effectively develop their organization’s ambition, technology, people, and processes in a balanced manner. This course provides a comprehensive framework to transform your AI initiatives from ideas into scalable, impactful solutions. Gain the insights and skills necessary to drive successful AI transformations and achieve substantial business outcomes.


AI for Managers - Executive Education

AI is reshaping the world of business and opening up new horizons for value creation. As AI applications become more integrated into our everyday lives, there are ever increasing opportunities to enhance existing products, processes and services or create entirely new ones.


An Innovation Sprint from Idea to Business - Executive Education

This course is a hands-on experience in which you have to generate your business idea in an accelerated environment. Entrepreneurship primarily addresses the challenges of going from generating an idea, testing it in the market, and iteratively developing the idea to improve it.


Data Analytics - Executive Education

A successful business is a data-driven business. We are all aware of the power of analytics to drive growth and outperform competitors, but for many of us, leveraging data to make more effective decisions remains a key challenge.

This program will help you to dive deeper into your data, identify valuable insights and design new strategies around them.


Design Thinking und Unternehmenswandel - Executive Education

Design Thinking ist eine der weltweit populärsten Methoden, eine dynamische, kundenzentrierte und zielorientierte Innovationskultur im Unternehmen zu etablieren - gleichermaßen bei Start-ups, KMUs sowie Großkonzernen. Mit den Methoden des Design-Thinking-Ansatzes können Ideen innerhalb der gesamten unternehmerischen Wertschöpfungskette verbessert werden, von interner Prozessoptimierung und Digitalisierung bis hin zum Kundenkontakt in den Bereichen B2B und B2C.


Leading Digital Transformation - Executive Education

Adopting disruptive digital technologies at your organization may represent a lucrative opportunity or a simple necessity to stay competitive. Whether this is a fundamental change in your business model or just a suite of new tools to improve productivity, the implementation process requires a specific set of skills and competencies to ensure success. Leading Digital Transformation is designed to prime you for these challenges.


Emerging Leaders Program - Executive Education

High-potentials assigned to their first significant leadership role need to prove themselves to their superiors, their teams, and peers. Succeeding requires a profound change in both skills and mindset: from a talent who delivers value individually to a leader who creates value with and through others. The Emerging Leaders Program is designed to enable you to manage this critical transition and realize your full leadership potential.


Führung für jüngere Führungskräfte - Executive Education

Im Mittelpunkt dieses Seminars steht der Aufstieg zur Führungskraft. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Schritt, der weder rein intuitiv noch durch „Learning by Doing“ zu bewältigen ist. Vielmehr bedarf es der gezielten Aneignung neuer Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen.


High Performing Teams führen - Executive Education

In diesem Programm lernen Sie, wie Sie als Führungskraft dazu beitragen können. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie das richtige Maß an psychologischer Sicherheit und Accountability finden, Reflexion und Lernen im Alltag verankern, sowie die Stärken Ihrer Teammitglieder stärken. Darüber hinaus gehen wir auf Teamdynamiken und Konfliktmanagement ein. Die Rahmenbedingungen für Teams innerhalb Ihrer Organisation können Sie durch „Führen nach oben“ optimieren, also durch den Einfluss auf Vorgesetzte und Stakeholder.


Leadership under Pressure - Executive Education

With corporations facing ever increasing economic, geopolitical, and ecological pressures, there is constant confrontation with new dynamics and risks. This environment calls for a distinctive set of skills that enables managers to identify the sources of volatile situations, evaluate them rapidly, and act effectively.


Leading Change - Executive Education

This program will prepare you to successfully lead change initiatives in organizations by looking at the main levers for successful change. Learn how to anticipate and address change challenges and the various issues they can generate, i.e., psychological, political and organizational. Understand why change initiatives can fail and how to deal with concerns and resistance.


Leading People and Teams - Executive Education

The Leading People and Teams program functions as a leadership laboratory, where you can experiment in a challenging but safe environment to uncover your blind spots as a leader and unlock your full potential, while developing strategies that will help you build a strong and aligned team.


Leading with Psychological Intelligence - Executive Education

Become a more effective leader and develop the interpersonal skills required to foster productive relationships with a diverse range of individuals. Leading with psychological intelligence builds on the latest research to offer insights into human behavior that will inform new leadership methods and tactics.


Veränderungsinitiativen führen - Executive Education

Das Seminar Veränderungsinitiativen führen bereitet Sie auf die Herausforderungen vor, die mit der Einführung und Umsetzung von Veränderungen in Organisationen einhergehen.


Womens Leadership Excellence - Executive Education

For women stepping up to senior leadership positions, specific challenges may arise – especially in industries where such roles are traditionally dominated by men.


Young Physician Leaders - Executive Education

Young Physician Leaders is designed to develop the leadership talent of an international group of young, promising healthcare and public health professionals. Launched in 2011 by the InterAcademy Partnership for Health (IAP, formerly the InterAcademy Medical Panel), it now brings together a network of more than 130 alumni.


Bitkom Management Club - Executive Education

Im Rahmen des Executive Management Programms erhalten Führungskräfte ein umfassendes Trainingsprogramm, das sich unter anderem auf strategisches Management, Entrepreneurship, Kommunikation und Change Management konzentriert. Es beinhaltet fünf Präsenzmodule sowie intramodulare Peer Coachings, Follow-ups und Webinare. Neben den theoretischen Inhalten vermitteln Spitzenkräfte aus der digitalen Wirtschaft in einem Tandemmodell nützliches Wissen und praktische Erfahrungen. Zahlreiche Vertreter aus dem Präsidium und dem Hauptvorstand des Bitkom sowie namhafte Mitgliedsunternehmen sind in das Mentoringprogramm eingebunden.


Der Aufsichtsrat - Executive Education

Die Arbeit des Aufsichtsrats ist intensiv und komplex – oft beeinflusst von Gesetzgeber, Aktionären und der Öffentlichkeit. Wirecard ist ein prominentes Negativbeispiel.

Im Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex ist die Aus- und Weiterbildung für Aufsichtsräte als Verhaltensstandard enthalten. Die Forderung nach der Professionalisierung des Aufsichtsrats besonders in Banken und bei Financial Experts ist hoch. Das gilt zunehmend auch für Familienunternehmen und den Mittelstand.

Im besonderen Weiterbildungsansatz der ESMT Berlin qualifizieren aktive verantwortliche Vorstandsmitglieder und Aufsichtsräte neue Aufsichtsräte. In einem umfassenden Erfahrungsaustausch mit aktiv verantwortlichen Aufsichtsräten und weiteren Experten aus der Aufsichtsratspraxis bereiten Sie sich auf ihre Aufsichts-, Verwaltungs- und Beiratsaufgaben von morgen vor.


Executive Transition Program - Executive Education

Das Executive Transition Program (ETP) bereitet erfahrene leitende und funktionale Führungskräfte auf den nächsten Karriereschritt vor: den Wechsel ins General Management.


General Management Seminar - Executive Education

Als Top-Manager oder Top-Managerin stehen Sie im Spannungsfeld der Interessen von Kunden, Lieferanten, Mitarbeitern, Kapitalgebern und dem Unternehmen. Dabei stellen Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und neue Technologien, Nachhaltigkeit sowie der fortwährende Zuwachs an Konkurrenz ständige Herausforderungen dar. Von Ihnen als Führungskraft wird erwartet, diese Trends frühzeitig zu identifizieren und so darauf zu reagieren, dass nicht nur die Stabilität Ihres Bereichs oder Unternehmens gesichert wird, sondern auch potenzielle Chancen effektiv genutzt werden. Unser Seminar bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Vorbereitung auf diese Verantwortung.


Senior Management Program - Executive Education

If you are a senior executive in a general management or C-suite position, your ability to navigate your organization through the challenges of the market demands that you take the time to fill gaps in your knowledge, acquire fresh perspectives and understand new ideas or innovations.


Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Big data has become the driving force of business and society today. With large quantities of data being collected on a constant basis, the need for professionals well versed in the responsible processing, analyzing and application of data are in high demand. The ESMT Master in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence was built to answer to this demand. You will learn to leverage your quantitative skills and merge them with the managerial vision required to create value through data-driven solutions.


Master in Global Management

Unprecedented challenges and opportunities await the future leaders of the 21st century. Businesses with global reach play an increasingly important role in shaping the future along the lines of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The ESMT Berlin Master in Global Management equips you to live up to these challenges by combining modern methods and theories with practice immersion - all with a global outlook. Understand how businesses shape the global economy and how managers and strategy consultants can contribute to making a positive impact.


Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

If you believe, like we do at ESMT Berlin, that the future will have to be very different from the present we are currently living, then the Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ESMT was designed for you. In today's dynamic networked society, it is the innovators that successfully disrupt and create the spaces for new solutions to emerge. The Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship will guide you through identifying and evaluating these new opportunities, implementing business solutions, analyzing risk and more.


Mastering Negotiations - Executive Education

Mastering Negotiations is your chance to level-up from an experienced negotiator into an expert one. Utilizing a “workshop-style” format, it offers you the opportunity to actually practice new negotiation styles, experience new scenarios and learn from the diverse perspectives of your class mates.


Persuasion, Power, and Politics - Executive Education

Refine your persuasion skills, discover effective strategies to navigate organizational dynamics, and understand the psychology of influence. This course is tailored for those aspiring to maximize their impact while staying true to their authentic selves. Gain insights into social structures in organizations, organizational dynamics, and individual persuasion styles through a blend of lectures, case studies, practical exercises, and self-reflection assignments.


Souverän Verhandeln - Executive Education

In diesem Seminar erlernen Sie die wichtigsten Elemente für erfolgreiche Verhandlungen. Die wichtigste Grundlage bietet das effektive Vorbereiten und Strukturieren auf Verhandlungen. Darauf aufbauend analysieren wir die Voraussetzungen für nachhaltige Mehrparteienverhandlungen. Die Besonderheiten von kulturübergreifenden Verhandlungen und das Verhandeln mit schwierigen Gegenparteien sind überdies Bestandteil dieses Seminars.


Bringing Technology to Market - Executive Education

The Bringing Technology to Market program has been designed to provide managers in technology-driven B2B markets with the knowledge and concepts they need to develop growth plans and mitigate risk. Responding to the demands of the global business world, the three program modules will comprise an international group of participants and be run in the three major business regions of the United States, China, and Europe.


Solid Growth - Erfolgreich Geschäftsstrategien entwickeln - Executive Education

Die Entwicklung erfolgreicher Geschäftsstrategien zählt zu den zentralen Aufgaben einer Führungskraft. Auch die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung strategischer Planung ist angesichts des steigenden Wettbewerbsdruck und der sich stetig verändernden Rahmenbedingungen unerlässlich. Doch welche Möglichkeiten hat ein Unternehmen, wenn es strategische Wettbewerbsvorteile erzielen will? Wo liegen in unserem zunehmend globalisierten Markt gewinnbringende Möglichkeiten verborgen? Welche Strategien haben realistische Aussichten auf Erfolg?


Solid Growth - Winning with Business Strategies - Executive Education

Being an effective strategist requires a broad set of skills so that you can identify the right course of action and communicate it impactfully. Solid Growth – Winning with Business Strategies will develop and strengthen these skills


Business Models for a Sustainable Energy Future - Executive Education

The energy sector is undergoing a radical transformation – in Germany, in Europe, but also on a global scale. The rise of decentralized energy generation leads to a range of new players and disruptive technologies, while the shale gas boom lets us reassess the size of our fossil reserves. During our classes, we want to shed light on the emerging new energy system from a business perspective.


Leading Sustainable Business Transformation - Executive Education

In today's conscientious consumer and investor landscape, sustainability is a game-changer. It's no longer confined to specialized departments but woven into the fabric of successful organizations.
Our program offers comprehensive sustainability education to executives and professionals from diverse roles, empowering them to lead sustainable transformations within their areas of responsibilities.


Requirements / Application

bild-rechtsGraduates and professionals who want to make a difference

ESMT gathers a diverse and talented group of participants. We are looking for candidates who bring with them the facets of innovation and leadership for which the school stands.

Our participants have a strong educational and, for the MBA/EMBA, professional background, understand the importance of taking responsibility, possess the ambition to make a difference and show the potential to make the transition to a broader management and leadership role. They may come from any country, culture, study background and have experience in any industry and function.

For each program, please view the specific admissions requirements on
our website.

Financial Aid

Possible scholarships

ESMT Scholarships

Scholarships are available to support with your tuition and living costs, to help you make your international business career a reality. Make sure to submit your application in time to take advantage of the tuition discounts and other financial offers that could help transform your career. Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence, personal and professional achievement, leadership potential, and superior interpersonal skills.

Candidates can find a list of scholarships on the particular program websites.

Join our in-person or online events to learn more about financing your studies at ESMT.

Recruiters Guide

ESMT collaborates with recruiters and companies interested in finding new talent. Career Services' Corporate Partnership is a three-way collaboration designed to help companies and MBA students establish direct contact. Companies take full advantage of these services to become personally acquainted with each of our Master and Full-time MBA students.

There are many ways to interact with students.

Please click here for more information



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